Returning Home Part 2

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Part 2


The day went on, and Mor stood on one of the many balconies up at the house of Winds, a wine glass in hand. Rhys walked to her side and looked out over Velaris with her. They had trained for almost the entier day, and she knew that Rhys had continued even after Cass had told him to rest.

"Don't hurt your self now." She said, lifting her glass. "What will happen now?"

"Me and Cass needs to take care of some warbands of Illyrians that have gone rouge, and after that we need to look what Hybern will start to do now." He said.

"And the girl?" Mor whispered. A shield landed over them, securing that no one heard what Rhys was about to say.

"Her name is Feyre, she was human..." He started. "Amrantas made a bargain with Tamlin, that if he found a human girl that could love him she would set us free. And he did..." Rhys voice trembled.

"She was human?" Mor asked. Rhys continued his story, about how he had dreams about a womans hands, how he had convinced Amaranta to let him out to visit the fire night.

"You where free!" Mor screemd. "Why didn't you contact us!"

"I was never free..." Rhys said back. "Just for a hour or two, and if I had contacted you, she would have killed me, or you... But I meet Feyre there..." Rhys continued, and Mor stayed quiet, a tear was falling form her eye when she saw her cousin talk about the trails.
"She got hurt, and no one came down to help her. So I did. And we have a bargain."

"Dose she knows who you are?" Mor asked.

"No... She got back to Tamlin, and she hates me. Our bargain is that she will come here one week every month, and I will chose when." Rhys was still looking out over Velaris. "I can't take her here, but the estate over Hewn City will due."

"When have you plan to start this bargin?"

"Starfall, and only one time..." Rhys sighed. "I will take her here for that, and after that week I will set her free. She will be happy with Tamlin, and her happiness is more important than anything else."

"That is like six mounth away?" Mor said.

"Then I will have time to get back on my feet and the court. Right now too many things is unstable ." Rhys lowered his head. "Don't tell Azriel or Cass, it will be better if no one knows."

"Rhys..." Mor said and placed her hand on his arm. "I have no words..."

"No words are needed." Rhys said and lowered the shield. "Thank you."

Things started to settle down, and weeks later a report from one of Azriel's spies made Mors stomach drop.

"Tamlin is getting married, to the cursebreaker." He said, unknowing of what that meant for his brother.

"Good for them." Rhys said, maybe a little to short. "Cass, a round outside in ten?"

"Of course." Neither Cass or Az seemed to notice his tone. But Armen did, the small female got up and took Mor with her.

"We need to talk." She said. And once they where alone and sure no one could hear Armen started to talk. "What do you know?"

"I know nothing." Mor said, denying anything.

"This girl in the Spring Court, what is Rhysands deal with her?"

"You need to ask him." Mor said back. "I mean it Armen, I will not tell you his story."

"Is she his mate?" Armen said catching Mor of guard. "Tell me I am wrong." Mor said nothing and Armen left.

As the day of the weeding came closer Rhys got more and more closed of, he had said nothing more about Feyre, or his plans for the bargain. And at the same time things had started to move in Hybern, more and more worrying reports had started to come in. Az was out gathering information, Rhys and Cassian spared everyday, and he got better, the color returned to his skin, and he started to make appearances as the High Lord. 

But Mor also notice the small things, how he could be found staring out towards the south and the Spring court, how he often was drinking in the middle of the day, hiding it from the rest. How the house seemed to shake in the middle of the nights. On the day of the weeding it was worse, Rhys had told Cass that they where traveling of the the cabin, and to meet him out side of the house just before night fall. Moments before they where going Mor cornered her Cousin.

"Rhys, you need to talk to someone abut this." She said. "I don't care who, but you must say anything to Cassian or Azriel. Heck, even Armen."

"She have figure it out already." Rhys said to her. "She cornered me last week."

"Then talk to her, I am begging you." Rhys face got pale, his Eyes widened.

"I need to to travel of, tell Cassian that a crisis happen or something." he disappeared. Cass came and found Mor standing alone.

"Where is Rhys?" He asked.

"He needed to go, a crisis in the court of Nightmares." Mor said, and she had a fealing that it was there she would find he cousin. "I will go there tomorrow."

"I can follow."

"No." Mor said. "We need to do this one alone." She left him and waited. It didn't take long before whispers that her High Lord had kidnaped Tamlins bride. And Mor knew that something had happened that had forced her Cousin to changes his plans. She traveled of to the estate on top of Hewn City the next morning.

She had only one wish, and Ianthe refused to give one crap about it... Rhys voice echoed in her head. No red, if you want to come in here, change to something that is not red colored. Mor looked down at her red top and pants. And walked into her room in the house, changing to something else. And then she walked in. Finding her cousin sitting at the table with the girl that must be Feyre. Mor smiled at her, and put on a show to make her Cousins mate feal safe and secure here.

She never stayed the night at the house, every night she winnowed back to Velaris and got some updates from Azriel and Cassian, that she then told Rhys. When the week came to an end and he returned Feyre, Mor found him in the estate, drinking from a bootle, missrebel beyond words.

"Did you free her?" Mor asked.

"No... I couldn't... I have asked her to help us, and after the report you told me yesterday, we will need her help..."

"They are waiting for you to return." Mor said an took the bootle from him. "Cass is screaming about forcing you to do run up and down the stairs."

"And Az is the one that is known for torture..." Rhys said back. "She is not happy with him... He dosen't see how she is withering away... Nor that her powers are so great..."

"And what is your plan now?"

"To hold her to the bargain, and hopefully keep her alive." He said, and meet her eyes. "Whatever happens Mor, If I cant be here, keep her safe." Mor nodded.

"I will Rhys."

Two more times did Rhys take Feyre to the estate, and when he couldn't be there, Mor stayed. Out of sight and hearing. But she was there, watching over Feyre.

She took a liking to her, and in her walks in Velaris Mor found herself wishing Feyre could walk with her. Could see this place. Go to the theater, drink at Ritas... Mor continued to walk around the city telling herself that if Feyre ever came here she would give her the best tour around it. She walked and walked until Rhys appeared in front of her, sweet filled his face, his breathing short and Shallow.

"Help me." He said and Took her hand before they Winnowed to the neutral territory. "You most go in and get Feyre." Mor said nothing.
"She is in danger..."

"What must I do." She then said. And Rhys gave her instructions and Mor obeyed them. She walked into the manor and found Feyre incased in darkness, her own magic riping her apart... And she picked her up, talked to one fae that seemed to care about Feyre, and then she took her back to Rhys. Leaving her in his arms.

Thank you. He said in her head. And Mor smiled, just a small one. Feyre was safe and alive, her cousin too and whatever happens now, she was ready to face it.  


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