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So, this week has been a little crazy. And I could not upload anything yesterday. Recommend that you listen to the song that inspires this, it was unusually difficult to write this. So I hope you like it!

Azriel's Imagine dragons song, Battle Cry, interpreted in him thinking about his life and his relationships with Mor, Elain and Gwyn.


The echoes of his lates victim was still present in his mind. A cold long waile as Azriel had done his work on him. He had been a part of a group that had planed to kidnap Nyx, or as he now had learned, kill him. Azriel had not hold back as he started his work. Slowly turning the male to shreds. Taking out his anger and hatred on the male. And now the pained screams was ringing in his ears. Azriel flew higher, drowning out the screams with the wind. Fealing the chill of it on his skin. He let his mind wander of, trying to shake the screams.

Mors face danced before his eyes, once more he saw her. Her smile, her eyes filed with hopes and dreams, just as he had seen her the first time. He had started to love her on that day, but been to afraid to tell her, even if she knew. And then she had been hurt, and he had not saved her. Just like nobody had saved him when his hands was burning. And maybe, he was not worth saving. Not if he killed people for work.

Azriel flew over the clouds, seeing the stars twinkle above him, they where so innocent compared to him. Him who was the nightmare for so manny, he who would find one worst fear and used it against them. And there screams, even if they poisoned his ears, they made him feal alive. Azriel dove down, folding his wings close to his body, almost just falling down. The wind drowning out the screams.

He was not worth being saved, Mor had seen that, she had seen his broken soul and choosen Cassian. She had seen the broken parts of him, and turned to his brother. Azriel wasn't even mad, just disappointed on himself. That not even Mor, the one that somehow had started to dream in the hell that was Hewn city, could love him for his broken parts. He was beyond sawing, beyond loving. And Azriel found some sort of comfort in that. To know that he could love her and never get anything back in return, that this fealing would save him from fealing any more heart break.

The gound came closer and Azriel played with the thought... To not open his wings, to not let them catch him in the last moment. To just keep on falling... The trees and the gound became clearer, he needed to make a choice. Just like one other in his life needed to do. He spread out his wings, letting the wind catch him, and pulled him up from the trees and the ground. Fealing the pull in his stomach at the suden shift in heading. Just like Elain had made hin feal.

The first time he had seen her, it was the first day he didn't think of Mor, it was the first day he for a short moment hoped that if he ever was seen as worthy, seen as a male worthy of love, it was from her. From her uncorrupted mind, feelings and hands. And when she was forced in the cauldron, and Azriel had been forced to watch, to hurt to do anything. That was the day he realized that he could never be seen as worthy of anyone like her. Even when she killed the King och Hybern, jamming Truth Teller into his neck, Az could only feal sorrow over how that would affect her, that she, the one with the clean hands, untutch bo the crul world she now needed to live and experience, needed to do that.

Maybe that was why he stuck around, hoping to help her clean the lingering blood of. Helping her understand how to live with the guilt an action like that could create. It was never his intention for it to become sexual. It was just an unfortunate side effect... One he both liked and disliked. Liked for it was heling him move on from Mor, and didn't like for Elaine had a mate, Lucien was her mate and Azriel could do noting about that. Even if he wished for Elain to have a choise, for her to be abel to live a life before she got tied up to someone. Anyone. And Lucien... Azriel had seen first hand what the Autumn court was capable of.

The lights from Velaris started to come into his view, hos home, his safe place. The screams and cries had started to die out. Leaving only the winds whistle. He was ready to die for this city, for this family. Azriel would pay with his life to keep it safe. To keep his friends and family safe. He was gliding over the House of Winds. Cassian and Nesta was in there, and he was not sure if he wanted to walk into the house. He was not in the mood to hear of smell what they where doing. Maybe that was one thing he did fear. Not death or pain, but his brothers sexlife. But there was one other soule below him. One who he time and time again wanted to come closer to.

One who he was not ready to die for, because he wanted to live with them. One who he wanted to be safe, to never be forced into danger. Like she already had been. One who he wanted to break down in front of, one who made him feal safe. One who didn't see him as broken and damaged. The only one that could save him. No. The only one that made him see himself as not broken, not damage. See himself as worthy.

The shadows whispered her name. The wind was quiet, the screams gone. And all he could hear was Gwyn's name. 


It became a little shorter than the others. What do you think of the three Batboys songs? Deamons, Warriors and Battle Cry? Do you also think that they represent them quite well? Or am I alone in thinking so? 

Vote, Comment, Share!!!! 


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