The Rite: Part 3

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The Rite: Part 3 - Storm

Ginas wound made her move slower when they changed camps during the days, Nyx held an close eye on it, and he cudent help but so have a sinking fealing in his stomach. The wound was dark red, almost black, and when she moved her wing blood, or something else came out from it. Nyx had no bigger injuries, thank the cauldron. And as the fifth day broke they needed to make a decision.

"Do we want to try for the Mountain, or stay here?" He asked Gina in the morning.

"I can't deny the call too the mountain... But it is safer to stay here."

"I can only agree." Nyx said back and blocker out the icy winds from Ramiel, calling him to define the gray mountain.

"Lets move camps again, maybe we can move back to where they drop us of and find one safe enough for the rest of the rite?" Gina said, Nyx notice the small twitch of pain as she rose to her feet.

"That is a plan." They left the cave, and started to move. And once more they got attacked. Five illyrians slammed into them. Forcing Nyx to fight back, hoping Gina was handling her asselants. He hit one of them in the face, but got hit back in the shoulder. Nyx almost swore that he heard Cassian scream at him to get back up.

"Don't slack Kid!" Nyx turned around just in time to duck from the other attackers swing. The two of them hit each other, and Nyx got away. Running to help Gina. One of the three was lying on the ground, blood flowing fro his head. But one of them held Ginas arms behind her back and the other started to hit her. Nyx picked up the simple weapon they had made and leaped forward. Knocking the guy hitting her to the ground. She got loose from the other one.

"RUN!" Gina screamed and Nyx did just that. Both of them started to run down the hill they was on, not looking back. Nyx hadn't realized how close they had come to the ravin that separated the mountain from the gound around it, and now they where running towards it. "Jump!" Gina screamed behind him and Nyx understood. He pushed himself even more towards the ravin, and hoped that his speed was enough. For when he reached the edge, he jumped. Forsing his wings out as mutch as he could with them bound. The updraft from the ravin, and the speed made him glide over the void. Landing hard on the other side. Rolling to his side as Gina landed behind him.

Stones cut into his skin, his knees hand and arms filed with small cuts. The tree they had hunted them hesitated and stoped just at the edge. Nyx just stared at them, trying to catch his breath again.

"Gina?" He asked, not looking away from the others. "Are you hurt?"

"A rib... And I think my shoulder is dislocated..." He got as an answer. "You?" Nys looked back at her, and tried to feal how his own body was doing.

"Gona guess a broken rib too... And my ankle is sore." Probably sprained, but no need to say that.

"We need to find a shelter... This place is to oppen." Gina said, Nys saw how the attackers started to move back up the hill.

"And that quick..." He added and got up. He moved his arms and wings as best he could. "Do you need help? With your shoulder?"

"Can you reset it?"

"Yes, when you train with Cass you need to know things like that." Nyx walked up towards her, limping on his ankle. "Your wing?" He started to talk.

"It hurts, but I can still move it." Gina started. "We had the goal to survive."

"Yes." Nyx studied her shoulder. "And now we are on the binks of the mountain." He moved quickly, pushing her shoulder back. Gina screamed.

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