The Rite: Part 2

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The Rite: Part 2 - Breath

His head was pounding, and his body was slow and sluggish. Like he was separated from his body. Nyx tried to remember what had happened, he had gone to sleep... And then... Nothing until he woke up here... Around him more bodys started to move. Illyrian bodys. Nyx froze, taking in his environment again. Forest, illyrians, and in the distance. Ramiel. The mountain glomed and called, challenging them all to climb it. Nyx tried to used his magic, and found noting, like a door had been closed to them.

"Shit..." He knew where he was, and he had no idea how to do this. Two of the Illyrians started to fight, the sound of them made the others woke up, and Nyx fled into the forest as quiet he could. Climbing up in a tree and hid. Watching the massacre from a distance, the warriors beat each other down, some teaming up. Nyx stayed in the tree for the rest of the day, way to scared to go down to the ground. He was not ready for this... He had never dreamed of entering the Blood Rite any time soon, maybe in 5 years. He had not even turned 18 yet.

The day turned to night, and one by one the dead bodys disappeared, leaving the area under the tree empty. Nyx stayed up there for the night too, before he climbed down. Fiding some jackets that had been left behind, same with a par of boots. Nyx started to walk around. He needed food and water, and that fast. Still trying to stay hidden, and keeping away from any sound that could be the other warriors. He found a creak with water, and sighed in relief. He had heard Cassian's stroys of the rite, of warriors dying because of dehydration or starvation. He needed to survive this.

"Get up." Someone said behind him. "Get up now." Nyx did as the voice said. Holding his hands up.

"I have no interest in fighting." He said, trying not to shake.

"Walk away." The voice said and Nyx moved. The Warrior walked pas him and started to drink. A female Nyx realised. After the Valkarys, no female had survived the rite. If they was allowed to enter, Nyx had heard how his dad and Cassian time and time again talking about it. But there she was, in the rite.
"Are you just gonna stand there?" She said, and turned back towards him.

"I would like some more water once you are done. So yes, I am just gonna stand here." Nyx said back, shrugging.

"You really have no interest in fighting." She got up. Nyx just nodded and got back to the water. Expecting her to leave. "What camp are you from?"

"Technically Windhaven." He said back and got up.

"Technically?" She started to walk and Nyx followed.

"I don't live in the camps full time." She stoped.

"But you are here?"

"Yes." Nyx kept on walking. "You? What camp are you from?"

"Silverblade." She said and followed. "But why are you here?"

"I don't know..." Nyx confessed. "I just hope that my dad didn't send me here and expected me to win or something."

"Would he do that?" She didn't sound choked.

"I hope not..." The sun started to set. "Whana set up a camp for the night?"

"Yes... I think I saw a cave just beyond that hill earlier."

"That sound good." They kept on walking in silence. The cave was not big, but it was enough for the two of them.

"Your name?" She asked and started to prepare for a fire.

"Nyx, yours?"

"Gina." she looked at him. "Nyx? Like the High Lords son?"

"Yes, same name. I can take the first watch" Nyx wasn't sure if he wanted Gina to know who he was. Maybe it was better if she didn't not.

"Wake me up after midnight." Gina said and closed her eyes. Nyx looked out from the cave and took in the night. He thought abut the words he had said, would his dad readly send him in to the rite now? No, no way... He told himself. He would never do that.

The night passed, and they switch places. And the next day they continued to walk around. It was not safe to stay at one place, not with all of the warriors out there. Ramiel stood there and lured warriors in, Nyx almost felt watched by the mountain.

"Do you want to climb it?" Gina asked as they settled down for the third night.

"I don't know." Nyx said back. "Do you?"

"I can't deny that I wish to do it, but I want to survive more." She started to gather wood for the fire. "Your dad, do you think he wants you to win?" Nyx didn't want to answer.

"What do your family expekt of you?" He said instead.

"My mom thinks I am crazy for choosing this life. Dad accepts it, if I make sure to settle down after 100 years in the legions. My brother..." Gina got quiet.

"Your brother?"

"He just told me to survive." The fire started, and Nyx cudent help that he wanted to warm his hands against it.

"That is support." They had not seen any other warriors, dead or alive. And in the night... Nyx looked around, serthing for other fiers. "It is to quiet."

"Yes..." Gina said and grabbed the makeshift weapons they had prepared. "To quiet." And then it wasn't.

Four warriors attacked, Nyx let out a stream of curses and defended himself. Using the embers from the fire as a weapon. Kicking them up towards the attacker. He counted four, but only one of them attacked him. The other three turned on Gina. Nyx strock down his opponent and turned to help her. She had knocked out one of them, but the other two held her down. Nyx moved hoping to puche one of them to the side. Only to face one he knew from Windhaven.

"Nyx?" He had forgotten his name, but he had spared against him just last week. "It is NYX!" The attacker screamed and got up. The other let go of Gina and started to run. Shortly followed by the others. Leaving them alone.

"Are you okey?" Nyx helped Gina up.

"No..." She hissed. In the fading light he saw the marks on her wings, the attackers had tried to clip them. "How bad?"

"Bad if it wont heal properly..." Nyx said back. "We need to move, we can't stay here." He supported her and they started to move, leaving the almost burned out fire behind. They found a different cave, one bigger inside, but with a small opening that was easier to hide.

"We can't risk a fire." Gina said as he helped her down again. "Nyx... Why did he say your name like that?"

"I agree..." Nyx let out a bearth. "My name is not like the High Lords son. I am the High Lords son." Gina let out a whistle.

"I should be honored." Gina bowed her head.

"Don't." Nyx said back. "Out here, I have no title or status."

"Okey." Gina hissed as she moved her wing. "Those bastards did get one bad hitt..."

"Can I see?" He got up and moved around her, studying the wound closer. "When we get out of here, make sure that you see a good healer."

"They always do this, taking the women's wings out. Every single one..." Gina said. "So... How old are you?"

"17... Turning 18 on a cupel of days..." Nys said back, sitting down.

"And someone send you in? I needed to convince them to let me do this..."

"I am sorry." Nyx said. "We are doing out best to forbid wing clipping, and lett you train freely..."

"My family never even wanted to clip my wings, it was the camp lord that was hesitated on sending us in. Saying that is was better if we don't participate in the rite" Gina lean her head back.

"I can take the wath this night." Nyx said. "Rest." Gina did as he told her, and Nyx stayed awake for the entier night. 


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