In the Future

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Inspired by a post on Tumblr, by Rhysand - vs - Fenrys

How did Rhys mother know Feyres sizes when she made her dresses? Let us se what the Tea spilling Suriel said.


She was the Lady of Night, an Illyrian, mate, female, mother. And she was cold as fuck in this weather. But she held on, waited, hoped. The cloak was placed on the ground, the small creek still had some flowing water despite the time of year, the meadow was free from other animals and sounds. The Lady of Night waited and waited, this was her third day out here. Her mate was in Hewn, dealing with some relatives, Rhys was with his nany. She had time. But soon she needed to get back, she needed to hold her son again, the small boy not even three months old, but she also needed to have some answers to her questions. She had it all written down, how to say it to get the exact answers.

She lifted her wings from the ground, hoping to get the blood flow back. Her time was running out, she could try again later... Then the trap moved, and the hideous creature hong from it. It didn't scream of move, just waited for her.

Lady of the Night Court, your patience payed of. It said. Its liples mouth twisted to a grin.

"Yes it did." She said and walked forward, holding her wings high. "I have questions."

So do all who wait for me. Is it about your fate? Or your children's fates? The oldest will...

"It is not about that." She said and picked up her note pad. "I need to know things about his mate."

His mate is not yet born. The suriel started.

"Good, then I have time, How old will she be once she meets him?"


"Her favorite color?"

Why are you asking this?

"Is she a necklace girl or a wristband girl?"

Dark blue, like the midnight sky, she will avoid big jewelery in favor of smaller details. The suriel sighed. Is this all that you are going to ask me?

"Her measurements? Lengths, waist, bum, legs." The Lady of the Night continued.

She will grow and shrink in her time here...

"Give me an estimate." The suriel said some numbers and she marked them down. "Eye color?"

Why do you want to know this? Is not your own destiny more interesting then a girl that is not even borns measurements?

"If you give me my answers, I will give you yours. Now, Her first starfall, her exact measurements on that night." The suriel gave there answers. "How long until she falls pregnant?"

Relevant how?

"She needs dresses for that time too."

From her meeting the High Lord for the first time, two and a half years. The Lady of the Night stiled at the words.

"The High Lord as in my mate or my son?" She had feared that She might never see her sons mate.

High Lord Rhysand of the Night Court, he will see her at Calanmai for the first time. When she is 19. But not know who he is until...

"Stop." The Lady interrupted the Suriel. "I don't need to know."

You asked.

"When will she know she loved him?"

Her first starfall. The Lady did the math, knowing that almost one whole year would pass from that first encounter to the day she new.

"Her measurements on the day she they have there mating ceremony?"

It will be a secret. The Suriel said. Will you set me down now? I have answered more then one of your questions.

"Her measurements on her Mating ceremony day, then I will set you free." The suriel gave her the answer and she moved to cut it free. "Thank you, for your help."

Why did this matter to you?

"I have a feeling that I will never see her, that I will never get the chance to know her. But I will dress her, and make sure she is the most beautiful female in this court, and my son will do right by her from the start." She had nightmares that showed her death and destruction, nightmares that showed her her own death not far from now.

There story will not be a happy one, it will be filed with pain, suffering, death.

"I don't need to know that." She got back up. "You are free to go."

You daughter then? Why don't you ask about her?

"I asked a different Suriel, I already know her fate." She took of into the sky, flying high above the trees, seeing the mountains of her home not far of.

Rhys was crying once she entered the House of Winds. His small arms reaching out for her.

"My son, don't you cry..." She whispered and held him close. "I just needed to know some things to help you out in the future." her child stoped crying, holding on to her for dear life.

The Lady of the Night sighed, knowing that she needed to help her son grow strong, that he needed to be abel to protect himself and tho ones he loved, his future would not be filed with happiness and joy, no, war, pain, loneliness, and isolation would come before that. And he needed to survive that. Rhys fell asleep in her arms, allowing her to place him down so she could start her work.

"I may only have a few years to do this, so let's start." the list of measurements ready, and the first few designs already drawn up, now she just needed to make them all. "A trousseau for his future Mate and bride." 


A little tragic, not as bad as some others, but still. I still have a write slump ... And have been thinking for a while about ending this, or just updating when I come up with something that is good. Which may be in a few months ... 

(also working on my next big ACOTAR project, hope it will be ready by winter)

What you think of this one! 

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