The Illyrian

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This one is born from the one comment I had in "Azriel mate" "how Cassian didn't end up with one accidentally over the years is a mistery" Well he did, and this is that story.


Cassian was walking through the streets of Velaris, holding an eye out for anything to give his Mate as a birthday gift. Books she had, and he knew she liked the books the house recommended more then his. And there was an limit in how manny books on War strategy he could give her. No he needed to fins something else...

Some thing caut the corner of his eye, a girl walking in the small alley between two shops. Cassian looked closer, wondering if it just was a play of his mind. But the girl had wings, Illyrian wings.

In Velaris? He walked over to the ally, realizing that there was no way he could walk after her. Rhys? HE seed out, hoping his brother would notice. And he did.

Are you in trouble? Came as an answer.

No... Do you know if there is any other Illyrians living in Velaris except us? He asked, holding an eye on the ally.

Not to my knowledge... Why are you asking?

I just saw a Illyrian child in Velaris...Rhys aperd as his side.

Where? He asked and looked around.

That ally... she is young... Cassian said back. Pointing out the ally.

Fly over the houses, I will ask Azriel to look too... Cassian understood his brother worry, and he shared it. And he almost feared it more.

They looked for the entier day, but didn't find the girl. And they all returned to the House of Winds. Cassian just sait down, the house gave him a drink, and he emptied it in one go. Azriel did the same. And Rhys, Rhys held the table, putting weight on his hands.

"We need to find her." Rhys broke the silence. "I know that what ever you did when I was gone is your bisnes, but. Is there a chance that she is yours?" He asked asking the both of them.

"I take a tonic, and have done that for years... Even before you... Left." Azriel said. "But we know that sometimes the Mother and Cauldron have a different idea..."

"I don't take a tonic... But I also only went to pleasure halls..." Cassian said, biting his lips. "The chance is there..." Nesta is gonna have my balls on the walls for this...

"But she survived... That means that the mother must be Illyrian right? I have not been with one..." Azriel added, Cassian nodded.

"Last time for me was over 100 years ago by now." Cassian added, Rhys face turned pale. Cassian wondered what moved in his brothers head. If he was reliving the fear of Feyres pregnancy and birth.

"Her mother can be one that has fled the camps and wants to be hidden, we will continue with caution. And Inform the others, I think that is wise..." Rhys said. Cassian was not so sure on that, and started to plan on how he could laydown in the couch and get some sleep.

To tell Nesta... Well it could have gone worse, for he was allowed to sleep in the bed with her, AND he still had his balls. But she was mad, as mad as only an Archeron sister could be. Her face just as cold as ice, if not colder.

"No sex until you find that girl, and then you and I will have a LONG talk..." The words was sending out shilds though Cassian's body, shils from the coldness in her voice. "And lets hope you find her before my birthday." She turned her back against him in the bed. And refused to speak to him for three days. And she held her word to not have sex.

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