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We (read I) need  more Feysand content !!! Then I will create more Feysand content!


After seeing Azriel propose to Gwyn, Rhys had not stoped thinking of his own, quite bad way of giving Feyre her ring. Kneeling down as she when away to grab the ring from the Weaver. Not the most romantic of ways, but it was his way. The only problem was... Feyre had never known. She had not known what that moment actually had been. Rhys was still years later, wondering if he could have done something more suitable. How had he done it if she did know he was her mate?

She would still have been forced to get that ring from the Weaver, one way or another. And even if there visit that day had dubbel purposes, that had been one of them, as Rhys mother had told him.

"The Girl brave and clever enough to get the ring from the Weaver is the one for you." Romantic looking back, but terrifying in the moment. A lot of Rhys and Feyres life together could be described like that. But if things had been different, he could have courted her over longer time, and then when she was ready, asked her to get the ring. And when she would have gotten back he would have gone down on one knee, holding her hand and the ring. Asking her to be his.

Rhys got up from the beed, Feyre still sleeping, Nyx was in his own room, he had turned five. Five... Rhys held back tears. Some days he still refused to belive it. He didn't need to propose like Azriel had done it, he had everything he needed. And still...

He looked back at Feyre, she deserved a chance to at least have a peaceful memory of her proposal, not the chaotic life or death one. One not colored by war, panic or pain.

He made his decision then and there, and set out to plan this. Finding a ring that worked with the one she already had, and to create some sort of speech. One of the two was easy, the other not so much. While he found a ring in just two days, he was writing small ideas on what he could say weeks later, with a simple plan written down, he started to plan for how and when. Finding that even harder. In the morning? No to casual, in the evening? After dinner? Alone or in front of there family? Rhys didn't know what would be best, and he refused to ask for help. For the Mothers sake, he should know how to best propose to his mate.

In the end, he decided to take the same day that they had accepted there bond, and go from there. Promesing himself that before midnight on that day, he would have done it, one way or another. Big or small.

In the morning he woke up before her, and just looked at her as the sunrays made there way into the room. Feyre was sleeping in his arms, her hair still in tangles after the night. Maybe it was time now, in the morning, just as she woke up... Rhys moved to get the ring. But stoped as Nyx came into there room.

"My tooth is loose." He said, smiling the biggest smile he could. Feyre woke from his words and sat up.

"You have loose tooth? Let me see!" Rhys was just smiling as his mate lifted there son in her arms, looking at the tooth that indeed, was loose.

"Someone is getting big." Rhys said and sat down at there side. "Shall I start to take away your toys?" Nyx eyes widened, the five year old had not really understood the concept of humor yet.

"No! I need my toys." He said, almost crying.

"You dad is only joking sweety, no need to cry." She threw Rhys a glare. No need to scare him like that.

Sorry. Rhys kissed her cheek, and Nyx continued to play with his tooth. "So, breakfast? Who is hungry?" He asked. Nyx was already dragging Feyre up from the bed at the words.

"Mommy just need to get dressed first sweety." Rhys got up, and lifted Nyx from the ground.

"You and I can start and mommy will come down soon." He said, taking Nyx down to the kitchen.

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