What If: The Orphan

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The day I write something that is just funny and not sad, apparently does not exist ... A new What If, if Nesta could not save Feyre and Rhys. I recomend that you have tissues ready, and that you ask yourself "Am I in a good head space to handel sadnes right now?" For this one might be the worst I have ever writen. 

"No red roses" in nothing compared to this one in my opinion. 


"Will they ever return?" The boy siting in her knee asked. Nesta blinked, looking up at the stars above them.

"No Nyx, they will not return." Nesta said back after a moment of silence.

"Because they don't want to?" He was five years old, and the only thing that kept them all going after what happened.

"Because they can't return..." Nesta said, fealing her throat tighten up. "For if they could they would be here, no-one can resist your cheeks." She forced a smile and pinched Nyx cheeks. A tear was making its way down her face. Her sister was never going to pinch those cheeks.

"Why did they leave?"

"I will tell you when you are older." Nesta said back, holding in the tears even more.

She had tried and tried, she had begged the cauldron to help, used her powers, she had tried. But Feyre and Rhys had not been abel to be saved. It was to late.

"His name is Nyx." Feyre had said in her last breath, and Nesta had focus her powers on the baby, the small lifeless bundle in Mors arms. Rhys death had made the world shake, Nyx had started to scream, still small, but alive. It had been clear that he was the new High Lord, and until the day he was ready Mor held the title of "Steward of the Night Court." Nesta had taken in the boy, she and Cassian raised him. With the help from the others in the family. Nesta knew she one day needed to tell Nyx the full story of his parents, but she needed to be abel to talk about them without crying before she could do that.

"Aren't you sleepy little one?" Cassian asked and picked Nyx up from her knew, careful with his wings.

"No..." Nyx said, but his hands moved over his eyes, and the yawn that followed told a different story.

"I guess you are..." Nesta said and got up, she loved the boy, even if his life had started with a sorrow so great for them all.

"No..." But he rested his head against Cassian. She nodded towards him and he took of to the sky, flying slowly moving the boy to sleep. She walked inside and prepared his bed, just to be done when Cassian came in and put the sleeping boy down. His room had toys spread out. A desk where he could draw. But above his bed, a painting was hanging.

The last one Feyre had painted. A portrait of her and Rhys, and in there arms. A baby with Nyx blue eyes, showed to her by the Bone Carver. The two of them was looking down at there son, and now as Nyx was sleeping his parents was watching over him. Nesta held back tears again and left the room, Cassian moved her into his arms.

"You can cry here sweetheart." He whispered.

"I can't tell him... I am not strong enough to tell him..." Nesta whispered between her sobs.

"You are not alone..." Cassian said. "We will tell him together, when he is ready."

"He is asking about them, what if he thinks that they just left him? That they didn't love him?" That was Nestas biggest fear. The one thing Feyre so often had said.

"My child will never not feal loved, I won't alow it..." Nesta had heard her say that so many times in those last months, even when they had argued, and in that room... when the blood never stoped flowing.

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