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So, I need more of Rhys, and because I apparently is a sucker for Imagine Dragons songs and paring them with the males from SJM books (Believer is Hunt theme, try to tell me otherwise) Demons is Rhys theme. This one is inspired by that song.

I know the series is years of, if it even comes to one, but IF, I need Imagine Dragons to make at least one song for it! 

The night of Starfall before Feyre comes up to the House of Winds, and Rhys is refekting on who he is. 


Why had he reacted like that? That was all Rhys was asking himself as he left Feyre in the Town House, fleeing up to the House of Winds, drinking his head of. Her notes a steady reminder of how much he had screwed up. And more, the lingering scent of her arousal made him tremble. Then and there, he had held his head cold, somehow not said one word about it, not teased her about it. Not taken her to his bed, even if every part of his body screamed.

She is your mate, she is your mate! The scent had told him over and over. But after, when she almost compared him to Tamlin... How could she love him if she saw him as the same type as that male... The male who had watched as she withered away, the male that cared more abute his own plesuers then her safty, the male that had sacrefised a friendship and been a part of the murder on Rhya mother and sister.

The days up in the house of winds was cold, as Rhys life unfolded around him. Starfall just hours aeay. He needed to talk to her, needed to tell about the bond... But if she saw him as Tamlin... He knew who he was in the stroy, the dark demon who took her from her protector. But he had seen her nightmares, he had had been there when her hart stoped beating. He had lost her once, and if there was one risk of him losing her again if he told her abite the bond, if he let her in that close...

I can't risk losing her again... He could lie, murder, torture, he could be hated by all, if it meant that she was safe. Even if she hated him for it. He could take that, if she was safe. If that meant her goving back to Tamlin... Rhys sat let out a sigh, his shoulders shaking with held back sobs. Maybe. Maybe he could keep the beast inside him down if she choise to return.

He was the High Lord of the Night Court, trained by the illyrians, and his father. He was seen as the cruel one, one marked by the cruel nature of his court. But if they knew... Hewn city was not his land or court, they where a parasite that came with the one he truly loved at cared for. Velaris was his home, his heart, his land and Court. This, this side was the only one he wished Feyre had seen.

He still remembered that first day when she came here, that small spart of wonder when she saw Velaris, how she had looked into his eyes and all he wanted to do was to kiss her, to tell her that this was her home. That he could shelter her from that other side. But he couldn't do that, not without risking her hating him for the rest of her life. Could she ever fall in love with him? One who had a dark facade to show the world. One whos truself was a demon. Maybe it was better if she never came that close, if she just stayed in the town house after the war and he lived uphere. Telling his people that he needed the fresh air after those years in the mountain.

What he had done in the mountain, he had been a part of that cruelty, he had made them crawl at his feet, he had blocked the small sports of sunlight out. His own selfish reason being that he didn't what to be reminded of the outside world. He had played his part, been her whore, killed and tortured in her name, in his name and his courts name... That was and would forever be his legacy, and the day he would die, someone would make his grave and know that. That was his mess of a life, and Feyre... He wished she never had needed to learn that, he hoped that the only memory she had of him was the first night.

Thanks for finding her for me, I have been looking for you. That he just remained a stranger who made sure no-one hurt her. But she had come closer, she had seen that side and she had hated him. And after they had left Hewn City and the Court of Nightmares... He had let her down. His own fears and insecurities had lead him to that rode, the one that made her compare him to Tamlin. If she was to be his mate, and to accept the bond, he couldn't hide any part of him, no mater how much he wished that Velars was all that there was to the Night Court, it wasn't. And his hope to only show her that had driven her away.

But somewhere down his heart, Rhys knew, that when she had been in his lap, on that throne. She had liked it, just like he had liked it. She had seen that side of him and not hesitated one bit, not until his true demon had shown itself. In the Court of nightmares she had been amazing, taken on her role and his. She had accepted it, and that dark beast inside of him had liked that more than anything else. That demon had wanted her to come closer into the darkness. And a part of him wondered, what would have happened if he never had opened his mouth to talk, and instead just kissed her.

If he had told her then and there, and hoped, hoped that she was ready to accept it, that she had heald enough to accept him and his darkness. But he didn't trust fate. But Feyre... She was a part of him, a part of his soul... And even then... Would he let her go if she needed to go? He remembered that spark in her eyes, that spark when she first had seen him. In the dark days under the mountain after, he had made himself see her eyes again, that spark, that light. It had not fully returned, it had not fully come back into her eyes after what had happened to her. And Rhys... All he wanted was to once again be the reason for those stars and that light.

For she, his mate, his equal, his Feyre, she was the one who made his own stars shine again. Feyre, the one who had given him his freedom back, his family, his home and land. Feyre, the only one he would ever trust to see his darkness, his beast and his demon. The only one he wanted nere, and if she ever could be that close. She needed to see it all, and she needed to accept it all. He heard voices behind his back, Mor and Feyre talking about Mors past with his brothers. Past, now and future if he knew Azriel. He turned to see Feyre standing there, in one of the dresses his mother had made for her. And during that night, as he for the first time in 50 years saw Starfall again. He saw the light creeping back into her eyes. 


I liked this one, to get a little extra insight into Rhys life. What did you think of this one? It is a little different than the others. 

Can add that Warriors is Cassian's theme. Looking for a good one for Azriel, but it is difficult to find something that really screams AZRIEL! 

Vote, Comment, Share!!! 


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