A Court of Tulips and Roses

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If you've read my second (now completed story) you know I'm not a huge fan of Elain. But think she deserves some happiness in life too. This is one where Lucien follows "human" traditions in an attempt to get closer to her.


Lucien swallowed down his nerves as he walked up to the house. Or estate was a more suiting word for the building that housed the High Lord and Lady of the Night Court. And more... The building where Ealin lived. It was her garden that was outside, her flowers that grow in all colors, shapes and sizes. He had nothing with him as he approached, no flowers, no gifts. Not this time. Lucien knocked on the door, confident that Rhys or Feyre already knew he was there. It was Rhys that stood in the doorframe, Lucien bowed his head.

"Lucien?" Rhys asked. "What are you doing here?" Behind him Feyre came, holding Nyx on her hip.

"I have come to ask if lady Elain will follow me out for a walk." Lucien said. He had spend almost two years now with the humans and learned there traditions in courtship. "If you alow me to take her out." Rhys opened his mouth but Feyre stepped in.

"Of course we alow that. I will see if she is suitable for a walk." Lucien smiled and nodded a thanks. Rhys just looked at his mate. "You can wait inside." Feyre added and left them both. Still holding Nyx. Lucien stod in the hall, to nevus to know what to say or do. Rhys just looked around, like he had no idea what just happened.

"You know we don't alow Elain to do anything? Right?" Rhys said after a moment of silents.

"Yes, but it is a human tradition to ask her closest male guardian for permission when you persecute her." Lucien whispered back. "If she finds it hard to adapt to Fae traditions, I might try the human ones." Rhys nodded. Still not sure what in the world this ment. A moment later Feyre came back.

"She needs to change, but come inside wile you wait." She looked eyes with Lucien and he let her into his mind. She is actually really happy that you are here.

I am glad to hear. I what to try this, one last attempt to help her adapt. It had been Lucien's idea, and with help from Elains sisters and his time with the humans he could make this work. He could try this.

I know. Elain came down the stairs. Lucien held back the instinct to gasp at her beauty. The coral colored dress was simpel. But matched her skin and hair to perfektly.

"Lady Elain." He said and rose to his feet. "May I take you out for a walk in the city?" Ealin looked at her sister and Rhys. Both of them nodded.

"Yes!" She said. Her voice so sweet and clear. Like the sound of the summer rain taking away the dust from spring. "You may." She took his arm and together they left the house.


"What in the world was that?" Rhys said when the two of them left. "She is her own person, she don't need our permission to do anything!"

"It is a human thing." Feyre said back, placing Nyx down with his toys. "Remember, she grew up expecting to marry of the the first man that was deemed suitable by our parents. If she loved him. But that meant this typ of courtship. Walks, simpel talks. No dinners, no feasts, not yet. And all of it must be approved by us." Nyx placed a cube in his mouth, chewing on it.

"I don't like it." Rhsy said back siting down at his sons side.

"Technically it is Cassian that must approve of things." Feyre cuntinued, Rhys choked on the air he was breathing. "Nesta is the oldest sibling, and that means that Elain should be under her roof not ours. But I think she dosen't care about that."

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