PRIDE! - Parade

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This is the only one of the weekend's four headcanons that has no real life reference. And this is probably the one that makes me most nervous about publishing these.


Mor and Rita plan and talk about the parade they want to organize for everyone in the LGBTQ + community. 


"We need flags." Rita said, placing down her wine glass on the table. "And a carriage, or two. And music! Do you think Rhys can ward some glitter to fall down over the parade?" Mor took her hand smiling.

"We can ask the Symphony of they want to be a part of this, and maybe the Drummers of Sidra is a better choice." She kissed her lovers cheek. This party, this parade, it was Rita's dream coming true. It was a way to tell all of them who was like they that:

"Look, this is a safe place, we are here to support you in your life."

Just like Rita had done for Fae, high and low for years at her place. Now, in a parade walking through Velaris.

A Court of Dreams indead.

"This... This will be amazing..." Rita kissed Mors cheek. "And scary... Nothing like this have been done before."

"Cassian and Azriel is on security. If anyone wants to create problem, they are on it." Mor put her arm around her. "We all will be safe."

"I know... But to be so out in the open..." She sighed. "I know Rhys have been High Lord for over 400 years by now, but so many are still scared after what his father did." Mor held her closer.
"Scared to stand tall and be who they are."

"I know... It took me so long to be abel to stand tall with who I am. And I will stand taller in this parade, for young Fae to see us and know that it is okey to love anyone. Girl, boy, both. Neither." Mor kissed Ritas hair. "This parade will show them that."

"I had plans to do this earlier. But then..."

"Rhys left..." Mor said finishing Rita's sentence.

"Yes... It didn't feal safe to do this then, when he was gone." Rita let out a sigh. "I know he is supporting of our community."

"But?" Mor said and pulled her closer. "There is a but there."

"But... Not all High Lords are that supporting..." Rita's eyes turned distent remembering Rhys fathers laws.

"By doing this, we are telling all of the Courts that Velaris is a safe place for us, Lesbians, gays, Bisexuals. Trans..." Mor smiled hoping to see the world be less scared of change. "For queer fae. And This parade, this parade of pride, will do that and Rhys will support and keep them safe. And maybe, parades like this will spread. Be held in Winter, Day, heck! If not one will be held in Dawn with Thesean and his lover in the lead!" She got up.

"We can scream!" Rita got up with her. Tears falling from her eyes. "We are here! We are here and we will never go away!"

"We are here!" Mor held Rita close. "You are the reason for this, you are the reason boys have a home if there parents don't alow them to come home if they don't want to be girl they wanted. You are the reason this parade will tell them all that they are not alone, and that there is help." Rita had started a center just behind her restaurant, allowing fae, high and low, that had been thrown out a place to sleep, warm food and an opportunity to work at the restaurant. But most important, a place where they could find a new home and family.

"I am only doing this for the young girl I once was, alone and confused in life." Rita bit her lip, closing her eyes. "I am doing this for all the once who are like that."

"We will have glitter, and music, dance, song. Carriage, Flags..." Mor kissed her again. "Flags with its own color, not a courts color, but one of its own."

"Rainbow. It will be a rainbow." Rita said, nodding. "For diversity, inclusivity, life, healing, sunlight, nature, harmony and spirit. For all that we stand for."

"A rainbow, for all that we stand for." Mor lifted her glass. "Too the Parade of pride."

"For Pride."

Just weeks later, in the late summer the day had come. Mor walked in the leed, tears falling as the parade walked behind her, the rainbow flags decorating all of Velaris, music being played, glitter, vagons dragged. High above Azriel and Cassian was flying in circles, holing an eye out for troubles. Azriel dove down and Mor stoped in fear. But he just extended his hand and lifted up in the sky with her.

"Look Mor... Look..." From the sky she could see the rainbow colors more clearly, and the parade. The group that walked through the streets in a long row. And the call that was heard up to them.

"We are here! We are here!"

"Take Rita up here too, let her see what she have created." Mor said and Azriel did just that. Allowing Rita to see her dream come true. 


Yes this one was very short, and I hope to one day write a longer one that is better! This is a learning experience for me to do these. I hope you like them!! 

(they all will have a happy undertone. Even if Azriel is in the next one.) 

Vote, comment, Share!!! 


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