Secrets Part 3: Stability

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Feyre didn't hear a word from Nesta for weeks to follow, and Feyre had devastated. How could this, this that should have been a happy thing, become so infected and hurtful?

It was late afternoon when the words from Elain came. It was time. Feyre took the healer to the cottage, and not far after Rhys took Cassian and Nesta there. Her mate passed back and fouth in front of the house. Nervus, just like her, and not just because what was happening in the house.

"I will go inside." Nesta said, breaking the silence.

"I will follow..." She took Rhys hand. "Call for me if they arrive."

"I will... Feyre... If this turns dangerous, I need you to take them all back to Velaris." Feyre nodded and walked inside.

Inside it was calm, Elain was in her room, smiling and in good spirit. Nesta was standing by the sofa, looking at her sister as she entered.

"Things are moving along as it should, Rhys and Cassian is scouting the area if any one is coming." it was only a whisper. "She asked us to act like everything was normal."

"We can do that, and let her have this... If I could go back and have a normal birth, I would do it, so let her have this." Feyre said back, nodding her head at the same time. The healer came out from Elains room.

"What can we do to help?" Nesta asked the healer.

"Can you cook?" The healer said, turning to Nesta "I have the understanding from Elain that Feyre is a disaster in the kitchen."

"I am better then her, but so is my niece and he is 10." Nesta said back, giving a smile at Feyre. Who only smiled back.

"I will not deny that." Feyre laughed back. Her cooking skils was non existent.

"It is true!" Elain shoted from her room. "Remember when Feyre tried to make some sort of rabbit stew? If I haden't been starving I would had thrown it out on the door immediately!"

"Thank the Mother that I am High Lady and don't need to cook so often then." Feyre said back. She remembered that attempt of a stew, and she was certain that Ilyrians training leathers was more tasty and edible then that Stew had been.

"Ooh gods..." Elain said, cutting the laughter short. "One is coming." The healers started to talked her through the contaction and Nesta headed of the the kitchen. Looking for something too turn to food.

"We can ask Rhys and Cassian to bring something from Velaris..." Feyre whispered. "Elain deserves something more then what the two of us can make..."

"I can only agree..." Nesta said back. "Azriel is out on a mission isn't he? So he dosen't know what is happening?"

"He knows that she is pregnant, and he knows about Lucien and Helion. And yes he is on a mission. And he asked to be on one." Feyre said back. Rhys, can you get some food in here? The skils of Archeron sisters in the kitchen is non existent.

Chicken and roasted vegetables will be coming soon. Rhys sended back, Feyre could feal his laugh, all to keep this more joyful then scary.

"Roasted vegetables and chicken is on its way." Feyre told Nesta.


Things got more intense late that night, and as the cry of Elains son echoed in the cottage, a wave of power moved through the world. Feyre stoped moving, holding her breath. Elain was crying tears of joy, holding her son in her arms. Feyre let a tear fall, not from joy, but from the fact that this... This might be the last time Elain ever would have the life she wanted to have.

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