Losing You

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A little longer about Nesta, Cassian and their family. Will probably write more about them in the future. When I come up with fun ideas.


"How long." Nesta asked. Not caring about anything. "How long have he been missing?" Her mate, her husband, the father of her child, was missing.

"Last night." The Illyrian said in answer.

"Are you telling me. That your general have been missing for almost a day before you contacted us." Nesta didn't know what to do with her hands.

"Yes..." The warrior took a step back.

"Get out." Nesta said. The killing clam had moved in over her, making her see red. "Get out now." The illyrian didn't stay for a third warning. He left her alone, and Nesta wasen't sure what to do now. Azriel was on the continent, dealing with whatever thing Rhys needed him to do. Gwyn was in Velaris, leading the Prestes training. Feyre and Rhys was there to. Nesta Cass and there son had travel up to the mountain to see if there son was going to train there. This was a family thing. Cass had told her that he was just going out to see how the novices was training at night. And he never came home. None of the novices came home.

"Mom?" Her son came into the room. He was just shy of ten years old. Wings like his father, but her eyes.

"Hi..." She moved him closer and hugged him. She needed to send word to Velaris. Rhys might help her to find him.

"Why are you crying?"

"I am crying." Nesta started. Not sure if she could say the words out loude. "I am crying because your father is gone, and I have no idea where he is."

"Is he dead?" Her son asked. Fear griped Nesta in its cold hand. Making her shake.

"No." She felt him down the bond, he was alive. "He is alive, just gone."

"Will Uncle Az find him? He can find anyone." Nesta smiled still hilding her son close

"I hope he will..."

It took an hour for her to reach anyone in Velaris, and once she finally could tell them what had happened... They all came.

Rhysand took the lead, Azriel at his side once the Shadowsinger returned later that night. Feyre had get Emerie and Gwyn.

"When they get a lead, go. I will watch over Jessi." Feyre told them.

"Thanks..." Nesta looked at her son. Jessi. "What will happen if we don't find him?"

"We will."

"But if?"

"Nesta, we will find him. In one way or another." Feyre said. Before Nesta could say anything again Azriel entered the room.

"We have a lead."

"Go." Feyre said. "Find him." Nesta changed to her leathers, making sure Ataraxia was secure at her side, and walked out. Rhys Azriel, Gwyn and Emerie all stood and waited for her.

"They where following the eastern path, we will do the same." Azriel informed her. "Me and Rhys will scoot from above. You three will follow the ground path. Be careful."

"We will." Nesta said, waiting for Gwyn and Azriel to let go of each other.

They started to move. Nesta held her breath for the most part, hoping that they would find her mate. Alive. If not... Nesta stilled her mind and continued to walk. She couldn't raise Jessi alone, no. He needed his father, to train in the sky, to understand the Illyrian customs. Or well, the ones they wanted to enforce. Like loyalty, brotherhood, dicepin. Nesta could only do a part of that. And with out Cass... Who could Jessi turn too? Azriel? Rhys? Nyx? She wasen't sure any of them would be his first pick. Nesta stoped, and forced herself to calm down. Geyn placed her hand on her shoulder, not saying a word. Her look said it all. In front of them Emerie continued to move.

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