Modern AU: Dancing

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I started to work on this projekt in April, but gave up because I had no idea how to continue. now I know. The following three stories will be slightly longer, and in a modern day setting. 

Cassian is tasked to find an alternative training method in his studies and gets in contact with a Nesta in the program of The Art of Dance at Velaris university.  (The idea came from me being personally attacked by the fact that in SIlver Flames Cassian is flexible, no, I will not accept that.)


In the parks in between the buildings, snow and ice sculptures had been made. Some resemble people, and some, more abstrakt. Cassian looked around, searching for the building's number. House 21 the email had said, and he started to look for it, the lesson started at seven in the evening. It was six thirty now. He found house 21, a big building on one side decorated with pillars and sculptures of dancers, and the other, big windows. From some, lights shine through, and some was left in the darkness. Cassian entered the building. 

"Studio 7, first floor..." He mumbled and started to walk around. On the inside the building wasn't as grand as it was on the outside. Cassian walked around a corner and saw a sign with a big number 7 on it. On the side of the door a window was placed, and he could look into the studio. In there ten girls were dancing. They moved to music he couldn't hear, and it fascinated him.

How they all just knew when to stop, how to move their arms in the exact same way, they all had their hair up in buns, tight fitted clothes. Then something changed in the group. Nine of the dancers moved to the side, creating a semi circle. The tenth walked to the middle and started to turn. Cassian lost track of the turns. But it had to be around twenty when the dancer stopped. Standing completely still, like nothing just had happened. Then the magic ended and the dancers moved like normal human beings. A white haired lady walked up to them, and how she started to talk. Cassian wondered which one was Nesta. 

Was she the red haired girl with freckles, or the dark skinned girl with wings tattooed on her exposed shoulder blades. Or the one who had made the turns. For a moment he feared that she was the teacher. If she expected him to do something even close to what he just had witnessed he was screwed. The teacher ended the class and the girls spread out, gathering water bottles and bags. Cassian walked away from the window, leaving space for them to go out. Some was giggling as they left, and some looked like they just had seen someone die. 

"Cassian I assume." A voice belonging to the girl who had made the turns said. Her hand extended towards him. "Nesta" He took her hand. She was shorter then him, but still felt tall. The way she carried her body and moved showed him how she was in compleat control. 

"Yes. Can I come in?" He moved towards the room, but she stoped him.

"Take of your shoes first, and I hope you don't plan to dance in jeans." He hadn't changed his clothes, hade made the assumptions that it wasn't needed the first time. But looking att Nesta, he might have been wrong. And the email had said to have comfterbel clothes that he could move in. Apparently a t-shirt and jeans did not fit that description. 

"I have some extra training clothes in my bag..." He took a step back, hoping to find a room to change in. 

"Change here, I will set up the music. Is it okey that I eat as we start?" She started to move into the room. Mirrors lined one of the walls and on the short side the big windows let him se the star filed winter sky. 

"Yes?" Cass said back and started to change his clothes. He couldn't help that he flexed his muscles while his did it. But Nesta was just focused on her phone and the music.

"Good." Music started to play, some sort of digital instrumental. "We will start with a quick intervju, training experience, dance experience, expectations, goals, injuries. Things like that. Then I will need to take some photos, in order to document your journey. Like how flexible you are now, poster in your body, things like that. After that, a simple warm up, some technique combos. Step combinations, Stretching, strength, and last a choreography? Those that sound good?" Nesta sat down on the floor while she talked, and Cassian gasped. Her legs pointed to the side, and her upper body was lying flat against the floor.

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