Until Darknes Clamis Us

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Warning! This one will be heartbreaking! It is linked to "Wating For You" If you want to,  then go back and read it before you start with this. I recommend that you have tissue paper ready, and ask yourself if you can handle grief today? On not, I recommend reading about some of the more fun ones, like "Drunken Night" or "The Incident"


Gwyn moved on, taking one step at the time in the battlefield. Striking down enemy after enemy. The end was near, she could feal it. In the two hundred years of her training, this was the longest battle yet. The demons that had appeared three years ago. The demons that only could be killed with fire, they took control of Faes bodys using rings of black stone, it had been three hard years. But Gwyn was seeing them coming to a end. And more, this war, this chaos and pain, she needed to tell Her mate some words.

That night on the cliff overlooking the stars had been two hundred years ago. She and Azriel had started to live together, they had a relationship, but not like Nesta and Cassian or Feyre and Rhys. No, Gwyn and Azriel held there more like a normal relationship, not formed by a mating bond. Neither of them had egnoliched the bond, they had just started to live together, they had sex but the bodn remaind untutched. She had never cooked food in the two hundred years, and never served him food. But now... Gwyn dodged an attack and started to move towards the blue light and shadows that was her mate. Azriel.

The pull towards him had never been this strong before. And Gwyn embrace it with all of her soul.

The cries from the battle started to die down, but it was not fully over yet. Gwyn found Azriel, the illyrian covered in the dark blood, how eyes was wide as she came up to him. Her fingers wrapped around a simple piece of bread in her pocket. Not much, but something.

"Is something wrong?" Azriel asked, placing his hand on her arm.

"No..." Gwyn just said lifting her hand up with the bread. "Maybe it is the adrenalin, or the fact that I am tired of living one day from death. For I accept you, and the bound. And anything else that comes with it." Gwyn said, all other sound died out as she was talking, the only thing that mattered was Azriel in this moment.

"Gwyn..." He pulled her into his arms and took of, flying up over the ongoing battle. "I accept you..." A soft kiss on her lips before the voice of Rhysand echoed in their minds.

What is going on? Are you injured?

No, We just need you to lead a mating ceremony. Gwyn said back, from the tears forming in Azriel's eyes she knew he could hear her words too.

What? Came back in answer.

Don't question it brother... You have the power... Just... Just do it. Az said back, The pair still hovering over the battle.

Now? It was a scream and a question.

Yes, now... Gwyn lifted up the bread towards Azriel's face. I don't want to wait one more moment.

No mating on the battlefield! Came as a warning. But yes... We can do a simplified, I don't really know the correct words.

Just start. Azriel said back, his smile one the grew for every second, Gwyns did the same.

So... You are mates? And you want to do this out of free will?

Yes. "yes" They said back in unison. Smiling some more as they did.

Azriel, you know that if you hurt her, Nesta will pin you up by the balls? Rhys said back.

Rhys, you do know some of the words. But Yes, I will never intentionally hurt my Mate, Gwyn, Gwyneth Berdara.

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