The Incident

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A short one Inspired by Greys Anatomy S 5 Ep 13. Let's see how our bat boys lived before things went to hell. Warning for a little more mature language and content than usual. One day I WILL write something where I do not hurt Azriel .... One day


Az studied the female on the other side of the room. Strawberry blond hair, freckles. Beautiful, he had a thing for redheads. Even if he didn't admit it. This was his monthly night of, a demand from Rhys.

"One night Azriel, just take one night a month to just have sex, rest, eat. No training, no work." He and Cass did the same. All to just find some sort of balance in life after Rhys had been crowned High Lord. Just like they had done in the camps, one day when they just did something different. To rest there bodys and minds. This was his night of, and Azriel had decided to make a move on the red haired female. He never stayed with the same one twice, it was just to get some reife for his needs, when thinking about Mor at night didn't help. He walked up to her, holding his wings tight to his back in the crowded bar. He told his Shadows to leave for now, to not move so close to him.

"Hi!" The female said when he came close. "Are you looking for something?"

"Just someone." Azriel said to her and waved at the bartender, making sure she could se his arm. "Two." He said and held up his hand.

"Are you buying me a drink?" In the bar it was hard to be sure, but Az guesses that her scent changed.

"Do you want one?" He asked, slowly letting his wings spreed out, making sure she knew what she had to expekt.

"Yes.." The bartender placed two glasses in front of Az and he moved one to her. The ember colored liquid moved in the glass.

"Any thing else that you want?" He then said, drinking from his glass, making his voice low. He took in her dress, how it was cut low, so low that if he just moved her sholderstrap she would be exposed too him.

"Yes..." He got up, telling the bartender to but the drinks on his tab. Then he leed her to the back rooms. Guiding her into the room, slowly undressing her. No underwear, he tilted his head at that grinding at the sight..

"Don't touch the wings, and we will be fine..." He instructed just before they started.

She was good, really good. And more, she respected his only wish when it come to bedroom activities. Even when she pined him to the beed, moving over him, time and time again. Az let out a moan as he moved closer to klimax, just a little more...

But instead of an klimax that would make him shake into his warry core, one that would make him realize all that tension and need building up from Mor being around. Pain shut through his body. And not the pleasant kind he took part in on certain other activities. This was the bad type of pain. He let out a scream, the Female moved of him, grabbing a blanked as she did.

"O gods..." She said. "I... It..."

"Get out." Az manage to say. "Ge out..." The female did as he said and he opened up his mind, knowing that Rhys would hear him.

What is happening Az? He said. Az could hear him laugh.

Just... I am at the bar behind the theater, come and get me... Be discreet. And fetch Madja too. Az said to his brother. Just a moment later Rhys aperd in the room, his face in choked over the sight.

"What happened?" He asked, grinning as he did.

"Get me out of here." Rhys held back a laugh and moved his brother to the house. Madja came in just moments after. And with her, Cassian.

"What in the world did you do?" Cass said. Az just growled in pain.

"He had a night of fun." Rhys said back.

"I will kill you both." Az hissed. And grabbed the bed when Madja started to investigate the injury.

"With all your respekt High Lord, and General, I will ask you to leave so my patient can get some privacy." The healer looked up at the two of them. "Now please."

"We will Madja." Rhys said.

"And find the poor girl that experienced this, and tell her that he will be fine."

"Thank the gods..." Az said and leaned his head back. "No permanent damage?"

"No, But once I am done, no activities of similar kind for three weeks. Preferably even more." Her words made Azriel bite his tung. Three weeks... "And to be clear, I am talking about with someone and alone." three weeks, he had gone loger without sex, but without his hand? He had never moved pass a cupel passed a days without giving himself some relief. Even when he was out on missions...

"Just knock me out and do what you need to do..." Az said, hopping that he could find some other way of pleasuring himself after this. The Healer gave him a tonick, knocking him out for the rest of the day and next.


Cass found the girl Azriel had taken to bed. Or maybe it was more her that had taken Azriel to bed. Cass wasn't really sure what to call it. When he returned back to the house he moved to the room he had claimed as his, laying down and looking up at the ceiling. He had grown up with Az and Rhys, and in the 90 years of Rhys being High Lord they had lived together, taken women to bed together, sometimes in the same room and beed. But... He had never really looked at his brother... Equipment... Yea, that was the word Cassina was going to use to describe it.

"The swelling must come from the injury? Right..." He said to himself. Holding back the instinct to investigate his own equipment in order to get som answers. "Longer, I can't deny that... But it must just be swollen from what happened... It must be so..." He tried to convince himself that yes, even if he lost in length, he still was thicker, he needed to be? Right?


Rhys did feal some compassion for his brother, no-one wanted something like that to happen. No-one. But he couldn't help but to feal a bitt self-conscious after seeing Azriel like that. He knew he had smaller wings then both Azriel and Cassian, excusing it on the fact that he only was half illyrian. And both Azriel and Cassian had a good one too two inches in hight on him. But he was the most powerful High Lord in history, he couldn't be it all. But this... This hurt his ego. Way more then he wanted to accept.

"I must be bigger then the other High Lords..." Rhys mumbled to himself, only to see Helions smug grin flashed in front of his eyes. "Next biggest amongst the High Lords." 


I tried to write one where I do NOT hurt Azriel .... Apparently it is impossible. But I think his brothers self-confidence got a little hurt as well. 

Will you have more like this? Where I rewrite scenes from other media? Yes? No? Maybe?

Vote, Comment, Share!!!

/ Mymymoon

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