What if: Azriels Mate

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I needed to write this, and I like the "What if" format. So, for those who had not read "The death of a shadow" In that one I explored one of my favourite headcanons, that Rhysands sister was Azriel's mate and she died before he realized it, to hong up on Mor to notice. In this one, she will survive the attack from Tamlins brothers, escaping do to her mother sacrificing her life for her. I will use the same name as I do in Death of a shadow "Vega" Everything except Azriel's affection towards Elain, and the connections he has with Gwyn will be the same and Vega will be a part of the inner circle. She and Az realized there bond a cupel of years after Rhys became High Lord

Hope you will enjoy this one!


She was 18 when it happened, she and her mother was on there way to meet Rhys, her brother, her friend. But he was late and the males from Spring found them. The attack had come from behind, and her mother had pushed her to the side. Vega had just screamed, and tried to use her magic, but she was not as powerful as her brother and she was young, and untrained.

"Run Vega!" Her mother had said and Vega did just that, and one of the males followed her in the woods. She had been terrified the entier time and only survived when she summoned her wings and took of, climbing over the trees, the arrow had hit the base of her wing, shattering the bone. But she had gotten up and she could Winnow. Landing in the closet camp. Only to be found by Rhys moments late. He mother never returned, and the night Rhys became High Lord. And her wing... It got infected time and time again.

When she was 19, Madja declared that nothing could be done to save her wing, the bone didn't heal, and the only thing they could do was to remove it to not risk another infektion. Vega had closed herself of then and there. She hated her father for not allowing her to train, if she knew how to defend herself then maybe this wouldn't have happened, maybe she still had her wing.

She was 22 when the Spymaster Azriel offered her a dagger and the words.

"Train with me." And she did, she trained in combat with him. Even if the phantom pain from the wing often made her slow and distrakted, Azriel helped her, guided her and more,  slowly she started to fall in love with him.

She had been 25 when the bond finally snaped into place, during the annual starfall ball, they might have been dating and had sex before that, but it was on that ball the bond had been clear for both of them. And with that a promise, that they would always be a safe place for each other to return to. No mater what would happen. And they where just that, over the following 400 years, They found comfort in eachothers arms. After nightmares, bad missions, she was there when he needed her, and he was there for her. When the phantom pain form her missing wing woke her up at night, or during the days when she couldn't move.

And now, as Azriel had returned form the continent after "saving" Eris sad ass from the human queen, the chock and fear surrounding Feyres birth, and the valkarys return from the rite han run over. Vega was in her mates arms, leaning against his back in the sofa. The bottles they had opened for the night almost empty, the candles slowly reaching the bottom. Azriel's arms around her, one of his hands playing with her hair and the other resting in her hand. Above them stars appeared, her home was safe, her family alive. Vega snuggled closer to Azriel, taking in his scent.

"How did we get so lucky to find each other so early?" She asked, reflecting on the last weeks. On the fact that she had him.

"The mother wanted us to have each other." Azriel said back. "After all that had happened in the years before we came together, we needed that. Like Rhys fund Feyre after he came back. And Cassian Nesta after the war..." He said back, still playing with her hair.

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