The Rite: Part 4

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The Rite: Part 4 - Calm

Nyx opened his eyes, his entire body ached. His arm was broken, and cuts was all over him. He looked up, finding that the sun just was rising. How long had he been out? He crawled up, finding that small stones had embedded them self in his hands and knees. He didn't hear Gina, Or the Warriors. Nyx got up, and started to move, crawling back up the braking.

He found Gina with just feet from the last leg to the top, Bloody, unconscious, but alive. The three warriors dead around her. Nyx saw that her wings was untied, and nasty cuts had been made into them.

"Gina..." He said, slowly moving her. "Gina, get up." She opened her eyes.


"Yes, come..." He superted her, fiding that last bitt of strength to help her up. "If you touch the monolith, it will heal you..."

"I can't..." Gina almost fell back to the ground.

"Yes you can! Your brother will celebrate you, and I do hope that your mom will accept your choice." Nys said dragging them both the last leg. "Your father will too..."

"He is dead..." Gina said. "My brother is dead."

"Do it for him anyways." Nyx screamed. All his strength when't to take her up that last bit, to alow her to come home. "Or for yourself." Gina Looked up at him.

"Nyx... I am broken."

"Fight Gina, Fight." And she did, holding her self up as they crawled the last bit. The sun climbed higher, and had almost reached its highest when they saw the monolit. Both of them moved the last step to reath it, placing their hands in the stone. And It winnowed them.

Nyx landed in the forest, Not the camps, not Velaris. But the forest just outside of the Cabin. His ankle didn't hurt, nor did his broken arm. He stumbled towards the Cabin, The monolit always took the winners to where they needed to be, and Nyx needed to be here... The door swung open, and Luna run out, calling his name.

"Nyx!" She said, hugging him, Nyx collapsed to his knees. And hugged her back. Crying. A moment later familiar arms was around him.

"You came home..." His mother said. He could hear her crying.

"I am home..." He said back.

"Happy birthday!" Luna said. "I made you a painting inside!"

"You did?" Nyx was still crying, wiping his tears as his little sister run of. Nyx saw how his dad was standing besides the cabin.

I can show you what hapend..

Not now... He said walking to him. I am just glad to have you home. They Leed him inside, Nyx smiled at the painting Luna proudly held up. And then, after a meal of food, he fell asleep.


Rhys was still shaking when Cassian arrived that night.

"Is he okey?" Cass said as sone as he landed.

"He is home... He reached the top..."

"I know... And not alone, A female from Silverblade made it too. Gina."

"I haven't asked him about what happened... I just..." Rhys let out a sigh. "He is home..."

"I talked to her... And you should be proud over him." Cass places an hand on Rhys shoulder. "They never focused on reaching the top. They where forced to..."

"For a moment... I feared that he did it not to disappoint us..." Rhys said. "Lets talk more in a couple of days. And tell Az to not give the Ironwing Lord any punishment yet. Let him sweat for a week or two."

They stayed in the Cabin for three more days before returning to Velaris. And it was then, Rhys asked Nyx to show him what had happened in the rite. Nyx did just that, Leaving Rhys speathles by the end...

"I am so proud of you... And I never, Never wanted you to do the rite... Never..." He said after a moment.

"Dad, if I had stayed in the forest at the drop site... And never left... Would you still be proud?" Rhys nodded, hugging his son close.

"I am always proud of you, no mater what."


Nyx landed in Silverblade camp alone. He knew Cassian wanted to Ask her himself. But he wanted to talk to Gina alone, give her the offer alone. He found her in the rings, training. Her wings fully heald, fighting the other Warriors, some of the onlookers even looked scared.

"Next?" Gina asked when the last opponent called it.

"Me!" Nyx said, and Gina turned towards him, a smile on her face.

"You!" She left the ring, and walked up towards him. "I am not fighting you."

"Can we talk?" Nyx said in return. "Your High Lord has a offer to you."

"We can talk." They walked to the outskirts of the camps.

"How did they react?" Nyx asked.

"Mom screamed a bit, and then she told me to make sure I have home of my own by the end of the month. Dad... I have 200 years before he wants me with a husband. And I plan to do all I can with them."

"They want to offer you a place in Velaris, with the Valkarys. A special force for then a hole Illyrian Legion is to much." Nyx said, Gina fliched.

"They? Your Father? Cassian? And Azriel?" She asked.

"And Nesta, Emerie, Gwyn, Mor." Nyx added. "You have done something amazing. And on your own."

"You dragged me up that last bit."

"Only after you killed those three assholes." Nyx added. "Think about it. 200 years in Velaris, a place of your own, a good pay."

"I will... Thanks Nyx, for helping me that last bit."

"Thank me by sparing with me." He said. And Gina smiled.

"I will think about it."


One week later Gina Landed at the house of winds. Smiling at the group that meet her. Nyx standing behind the females.

"Welcome Gina. lets begin." Nesta said, lifting her hand.

"Lets begin." 


What did you think? Good bad? I almost considered writing a full length Fanfic just about Gina and Nyx, but I felt it did not need to be more than this.

Do you like it when there are more parts like this? or do you want to have them in a long chapter?

Vote, Comment, Share!!!


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