It Hapend Once

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A short one, 1000 procent inspierd by @artywings on instagrams comic abute Azriels cabinet. Look her up! 


Cassian, general in the Nigh Courts Illyrian forces, feared by his enemies, named Carynthian after wining the blood rite. Cassian known for getting his enemies to run away from him with a single grin. That same Cassian was lying in the bed, looking up at the ceiling and contemplating the night. It had been his suggestion to do this... But now... 

He did not regret it, but he was not... Cassian searched for the right word to describe this fealing. He was not into it... It had been a experiend he did not want to redo. One time was enough. A one time thing... In the bed beside him a body moved, Cassian still held his eyes on the ceiling, not sure if he could look at his company yet. He still needed to process what had happened.

"How do you feal?" Azriel said from the other side of the bed. "Some times one can need to talk about it after..."

"I think this will be a one time thing." Cassian said. Still unable to look away from the ceiling.

"I can only agree." Azriel said. "We don't need to talk about it."

"No..." Cassian said back, this night was one of those thing they never needed to talk abut again.

It had started like a joke, but then they both had just done it... And Cass had seen sides of Azriel  that he was not sure if he wanted to see again. Yea, this night was gonna be a one time thing, and then never spoken about again. Azriel moved again and got up, Cassian moved his head, and saw how he disappeared into the bathroom, a silent que for him to leave. Cass got up and saw the cabinet... Its secrets had been revealed, and he swallowed. Of all the things he had thought about Az, the inventory in that cabinet had never even even been in his wildes of fantasies.

He had by mistake upend a packed that had come to Azriel, beliving it has to him. In the ten years of Rhys being gone things had been so weird. And the content of the package had made him wonder what in the actual hell was going on. Az had found him with the package.

"You where not supposed to know that..." Az had said and taken the package back. "Some things are not for all to know."

"You are really in to that?" Cass had asked, curious what in the world his brother did in the bedroom.

"We all need ways to let loose." Az had said back. "Just pretend that you have never seen this and go on with your day." Cass had not been abel to do that. And later in the day he had as a joke asked more about it. Curious to se if Azriel should give him an answer at all, and he did. And he started to explain some parts of his hobby as he called it. Cass would never deny that he was interested to know more at the end of it, and he had asked to try. And Az had said yes.

Cassian got dressed and held his eyes on the cabinet, for a moment the phantom touch of the bonds he had had around his hands made itself known. He walked out. It had not been something he wanted to do again, he had not enjoyed in the way Az seemed to do, but it had not been so bad that he had asked him to stop. Maybe because it was Az that had done it with him... Cass wondered if he would feal the same if it was anyone else, and fund himself missing the first step on the stairs, almost falling down. His wings spread out catching his balance. No, he didn't need to experience a night like that again.


Azriel washed of the scents from the night, still surprised that Cass had asked him. He could have said no, and left it like that. But there was a part of him that wanted to try... His normal partner had been forced to cancel there last sesion, leaving Azriel with a building need. So when Cassian had asked, he had been selfish enough to say yes. He had gone easy on him do to his unexperience and the fact that he only wanted to see what it was.

Az heard how Cassian left the room, and he walked back in to the room and started to take care of his equipment. Putting it back in the cabinet, and opening the hidden inner doors that shielded the more extreme things he had. He needed a new session with his usual partner, but he was dealing with a big los after a family members had passed away. Azriel could wait, this passed night was a selfish act from him and Azriel had enjoyed it. Way more then he first thought. But as he already had said.

"Not not talk about this night, It happened once, and there is no need to talk about this again." Az closed the closet, making sure it was locked, and made a mental note to be more careful when he had new things delivered.


Once again, this one is inspierd by Artywings comic abute Azriels cabinet on instagram. chek her out!  She is such an incredibly talented artist! And this is just a werid thing my head came up with one day. 

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