A Friend In Need

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A sort of continuation on "Nesta alone." But from Gwyn's perspective, and more about their friendship.


Gwyn put the bow down as the session ended for the day. Her arms trembling after the training. Azriel chuckled behind her, making her smile back. Two years after they had formally accepted the bond, after years of just casual dating, and she still got fluttery at the sound of his laugh. Still felt how her heart swelled of joy and love when she thought about him. Her mate, her love.

"You are improving." Az said, still standing behind her. They had a way more appropriate way of dealing with training then Cassian and Nesta. No flirting in the rings, and as compensation, no "training" in the bedroom. But other activities that could rise one's heartbeat.

"I do hope so." Gwyn said back turning towards her mate. "But I am still not perfekt..."

"No one is perfect." Az said walking up to her. Only to whisper in her ear. "Except me, but you know that." Showers moved down her spine and Gwyn bit her tongue to hinder herself to say anything back. Instead she unstringed the bow, bruising of the comment.

"How long did you train until you got every shot perfect?" She said, fully aware of his hint. Fully aware that he looked at her.

"Always." He said back. Neutral, no flirting this time. "I do train every day for a reason." Gwyn nodded, holding back a comment on what specific reasons he trained for. No flirting the the training rings, that was the rule, she reminded herself. Even if Az might have let it slip his mind.

"So 550 years more for me?" She asked, leaving the ring.

"Or somethings like that." Az followed, placing his arm around her waist. "Cooldown and stretch here or inside?" Gwyn didn't get a chance to answer for Cassian and Nesta walked out to the rings. Gwyn left her mate and started to run towards her friend. Nestas swollen belly had kept her from training, and Gwyn had barely seen her since the war.

"Ness!" She said hugging her, totally not caring that Cassian was staring at her. "How are you fealing?" Gwyn couldn't help that she was smiling at her friend, hoping to share her joy. Nestas smile back came one moment to late for Gwyns liking.

"I have had worse days." Nesta said back glaring at Cassian. "I am fine." The last line was for him. Gwyn studied her friends face, dark circles was under her eyes, Nesta was not fine Gwyn judged. Cassian left them heading for Azriel.

"Can't sleep?" Gwyn whispered. In the rings Azriel and Cassian started to spar.

"Sort of... Can we go for a walk?" Nesta took Gwyns arm and they made there way around the house. Gwyn listened until the sounds from there mates was to far away that they wouldn't hear them.

"For real, how are you fealing?" Gwyn asked when she was comfortable that there talk was going unnoticed. Nesta let out a sigh and sat down on a bench.

"Not good." She said, placing her hand on her belly. "I can't sleep, or rest. And Cass... I love him, I really do..."

"But?" Gwyn said, siting down at her side.

"Some days I wish he was the one pregnent and not me, just so he could feal how I feal." Nesta said. A tear made its way down her cheek. Gwyn took her hands waiting for her to continue. "I hate this, I hate being pregnant. I just feal big, and clumsy and tired, and mad... I don't even like sex anymore Gwyn... I don't feal comfortable in my own body. And I have like four more months of this left." She almost screamed the last part. Tears still falling down her cheeks.

"Nesta..." Gwyn started, wiping away her friends tears. "Have you talked to him? Have you told him this?"

"Yes... And all he says back is that he thinks that I am sexy, and that he loves me no matter what." Nesta sighed again. Gwyn shock her head.

"Males... They are not always the smartest ones." Gwyn said back, holding in a laugh. "To feal something and being something is two difrent things."

"More than that... I worked so hard to come to the point I was before... Now... It feals like I'm never coming back there..." Nesta was still crying. "Don't mind the tears... I started to cry over my food yesterday."

"You know... I think I can find a book or two on exercises you can do with that belly. If you would like that?" Gwyn said, holding Nestas hands.

"Yes... That sounds good..."

"Good!" Gwyn smiled. "Now, when are we having next sleep over? When this little one pops out you wont have time for that, so we need one soon." Nesta gave her a small smile back.

"We can start to plan for one soon. If Cass will accept that I don't sleep under his wing one night."

"Overprotecting males..." Gwyn signed, fully aware on how Azriel sometimes acted on his bad days. When his nightmares made him stay up and watch over her. Gwyn let out a breath returning her attention to Nesta. "I will talk to Emerie and find a day when we can do that."

"Thanks... I have missed you." Nesta said putting her arms around Gwyn "I have missed talking to you."

"Me too sis, me too." They stayed and continued to talk, Nesta complained more about her pregnancy, morning sickness, cravings for things she had no idea she liked, and Cassian following her every move.

"I am convinced that Illyrians are worse then normal Fae. He almost got mad at Feyre last week when she came by without warning."

"He is only scared that someone will hurt you." Gwyn said back. "I am guessing that he and Az is working it out from his system."

"You are correct." Nesta said back. "Some times I wish I had Feyres abilities, to literally show him what I ma fealing, because apparently he dosen't understand when I tell him."

"Maybe she can ask her to help?" Gwyn asked. "It is okey to ask for help, Nes, you don't need to be alone."

"I started this journey alone." Nesta said back. Gwyn swallowed, the war, the suden information that Nesta wouldn't be joining them. The relief Gwyn had felt when she heard that Nesta was pregnant, and that was why she didn't follow. "And not Cass don't leave me alone."

"But you are still alone?" Gwyn asked. Nesta nodded in return.

"Yes... I will talk to Feyre, as soon as I can."

"Good." Gwyn smiled. "Do you have any name ideas?"

"No... Not yet." Nesta moved her hand over her belly, a different type of smile was on her face now.

"Okey, new plan. Next sleep over, we will talk names, for I don't trust Cass on that." Gwyn smiled, and rose to her feet. Reaching out her hand towards her friend "Let's go back, before Cass beats my mate to a bloody mess."

"That sounds good." Nesta got up and took Gwyns hand. "Thank you, Thank you."

"Always." She said back.

"I mean it." Her eyes blanck of new tears. "Don't mind the tears..."

"You cry all the time?"

"Yes, lets just go back, and if Cass asked. I saw a bird fly or something like that."

"If you say so." Gwyn linked arms with Nesta and together they walked back to there Mates. 


I realize the more I write that I am starting to like Azriel and Gwyn together more and more. Still not completely sold, but almost. 

Do you have any suggestions on what I can write about them? Has A New Life and Confessions, as well as this one. What more do you want? 

Vote, Comment, Share!!! 


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