I heard a rumor (five)

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Dolores is human in this

  That handler had another deal for me, to help my family. I would have to meet her during the middle of the night which meant sneaking out of me and
(y/n)'s bedroom. I was walking to the warehouse she said to meet up at. What is up with this lady and creepy places.

  "Nice to see you again five." I heard as soon as I entered. I tried to keep my cool as I approached the voice.

  "What do you want this time" I said sternly hoping to get out of there as fast as I could.

   "I'm sure you've met my daughters correct?"

   "I'm sorry- did you say daughters, like, in a plural sense."

   "Oh yes of course, you've met Lila. But have you met Delores yet?"

   "Wha-" I was about to respond before I was cut off by two other voices laughing.

  "Ah there they are, come out dears!" The handler yelled

  Two girls came out from behind the corner of the warehouse, one I knew as Lila. The bitch who tried to kill me. The other I'm guessing Delores.

  "You see five, we have to get to your family, and the only way to do that is to get to you. Your family trust you, if you bring someone in they know they can trust them. So you gonna fall in love in Delores."

"What, no no no. I'm already in love with (y/n-" I was cut off. Again.

  "I heard a rumor, you fell in love with Delores." Lila whispers in my ear suddenly I felt like I had no control, it's like being in a coma, you aware of you surroundings but have no control.

  "Come on baby, take me to your house." Delores said grappling my hand. In my head I was yelling, fighting to get out of her grasp but it was no use.


  (y/n) woke up to no five next to her and a bunch of yelling downstairs. She walked down hearing a split of the conversation.

  "How do you think (y/n) will feel five! She's gone be heartbroken!!" Diego yelled as five had Delores sitting in his lapped while she smirked. (y/n) walked into the the room.

"What's going on gu-"

"(y/n) you need to leave" Klaus said slightly pushing her out of the doorway.

"What, why" she asked pushing past Klaus to see five holding another girls hand. Inside five was yelling to try to get out of this trance, to go up to the girl he love and hold her in his arms.

  "Fi- five?" (y/n) said tears, welling up in her eyes.

Time skip I'm so sorry———————————————


I'm still in this god damn trance thing, I've been thinking, if I can get Allison to notice she can tumor me back. I'm surprised no ones noticed how weird I've- I mean my body has been acting.


I didn't leave my room, I couldn't, every-time I did I saw him with her and it was to much. Klaus would come in and bring me food sometimes, and Allison would come in just to talk. I was nice it was like five and what's her name didn't exist.


I did it, I think I managed for Allison to notice, I'm hoping. Today I went down to the kitchen and Allison and Klaus where taking about how terrible a state (y/n) was in, I felt horrible. I made eye contact with them as my so called self made a way to the.  cabinet grappling a glass and feeling it with water.
Would that be enough for them to notice something was wrong? I usually only drink coffee.

  "Five you okay?" Allison asked stepping closer to me.

  "Umm yeah why" dammit this control

  "You sure?"

  "Yep" come on! Notice Allison please!

  "I don't believe you."
Oh thank god

  "Well you should" I said as I walked out. No. Legs turn around come on! You need to turn around!

  "Hey five!" Klaus called

   "Yes" I turned slightly 'annoyed' when really my actual self was hoping for help.

   "I heard a rumor, you told me what's wrong"

   My eyes turned white

  "Lila rumored me to fall in love with Delores and leave (y/n)."
Yes! Allison just need to rumor me back!

She walked, Allison just walked out of the kitchen, are you kidding me!!!!


Allison barged through my doors wide-eyed

"Come on" she said grabbing my arm and pulling me downstairs.

  "Allison! No- let go!"

  "Watch okay! Just watch"


  "Five! Come here"  wait what! No I can't see five.

  "What do you want Allison." He said annoyed. He made eye contact with me and I could almost tell something was wrong by the way his face

   "I heard a rumor, you told (y/n) the truth"

   His eyes turned white, what was he hiding that Allison needed to rumor him.

  "I don't love Delores, I love you. Lila made me do it. Please help." He looked like he was about to cry until Allison's power wore off and his face immediately went stern again.

   "See!" Allison yelled

   "Well! Can't you do something" I asked hoping she could help him.

   "I can try... I heard a rumor, your yourself again."

His eyes turned white. Come on, come on, come on.


it's working, I can feel my body again. It's working! Thank god!

"Five?" (y/n) spoke softly. Instead of responding immediately ingulfed her in a hug and planning on never letting as I softly cried into her neck.

"What happened" she asked again

"Well" I explained everything, what it felt like tho it seems like I've forgotten almost all of it.

"I'm so sorry five, if I left my room maybe I would noticed something was wrong and I could've-" I cut her off by kissing her softly but roughly.

  "It's okay baby, you don't have to worry okat I'm okay now. Don't be sorry."

We were about to kiss again until Delores came barging in. I forgot she was still here. Before she could even talk I took her hand and blinked to the middle of the desert

"Fi-!" Was the last thing I heard before I teleported back to the girl I love.

Words: 1064
Longest one yet!

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