paparazzi (Aidan)

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I was working my shift at the local cafe, I was just going down the list fo things that needed to be done.
First: clean the tables.
Second: close up the cafe
Third: clean and shut off the machines
Last: take out the trash.

Time skip~————————-~ 40 minutes~————~

"Okay, all that's left is the trash." I said opening up the back door and throwing the bags in the dumpster.  I started to walk to my car until I bumbed into smothering. Someone.


I was exhausted and just needed a drink or something, I started to wake down the street to the local cafe, I doubt it open this late but I don't know I've never been there before.

I made it to the cafe and just as I thought the door was locked, I sighed as I walked back to my car turning the corner but ending up hitting someone.


"Oh my god I'm sorry." The boy said, he grabbed my hand helping me up, I was met with the most beautiful eyes, I was speechless, he was so cute.

"Umm, h-hi." I stuttered out

  "I'm so sorry I didn't see you."

  "No no it's okay."

  "Thanks, I'm Aidan by the way."

  "Oh umm I'm y/n. Also you can let go now." I said realizing that he still had a hold of my hand.

  "What? Oh I-umm sorry." He said letting go. I was about to say something until I heard a bunch of clicks and felt a tug in my hand, I turned and saw Aidan pulling me to the side.

  "Okay, on the count of 3 we're gonna run to my car." He said

  "What?! I don't even know you, I'm not getting in your car!" I said but he immediately covered my mouth

  "Shh! Just trust me okay? I'll explain everything in the car."

  "Fine." I said

  "Okay. 1...2...3!" He said as we both ran as fast as we could to his car, we jumped in and he started the car as we drove off.

  "Okay I think I lost him." He said

  "Lost who? You said you'd explain."

  "Right sorry, those were the paparazzi."

  "And why do you have paparazzi following you?"

  "You don't know who I am? 'Nicky, Ricky, dicky and Dawn' ? 'The Umbrella Academy' ?' None of that ringing a bell?"


  "Really? Huh, I thought maybe you would've seen those their pretty popular on Netflix. Anyway, i star in those shows."

  "So that explains the paparazzi." I said putting everything together

  "Yeah, sorry by the way." He said


"First off, dragging you with me, and second off, you might get some rumors about you now because the paparazzi."

  "Oh, okay. By the way where are we going?"

  "Oh umm, well you can stay at my place if you want or I can drop you off at yours."

  "Umm well, you could drop me off at mine." I'm sorry but I'm not starting at some random dudes house.


Time skip~———————~ 10 minutes ~—————-~

"We're here."

"Thanks." I said stepping out of his car.

  "No problem, hey maybe we can meet up sometime?" He asked

  "Oh umm sure. Bye."

I walked inside falling in my bed, I scrolled the my socials until an interesting story came up.

'Possible Aidan Gallagher girlfriend? Possibly y/n l/n?'

Then there was a picture of me and Aidan holding hands, great. Also how did they find out my name???I went to Instagram finding i had a bunch of follow request, one of which was Aidan, I decided to just make my profile public. About ten minutes late I got a message.

Aidan: hey, you've probably seen the story huh

You: yeah, I have a bunch of people trying to talk to me now.

Aidan: yeah sorry about that. Anyway, when should we meet?

You: umm I don't know sunday?"

Aidan: sounds perfect

Time skip~————————~ Sunday~——————

I heard Aidan car pull into my driveway so real quick put on my shoes and headed out.

"Hey" I said closing my door.

"Hi, so how do you feel about the rumors."

"Well it's not to bad right now, why?"

"Just making sure you're not uncomfortable."

Time skip~————————~ 2 months ~—————~

Me and Aidan have gotten really close, I've kinda grown feelings for him and there's times where I think he might feel the same but I'm not too sure.

"Y/n! I'm here." Aidan yelled walking into my kitchen

"Oh hey."

"Guess what."

"What?" He shoved his phone into my face showing me an article

Aidan Gallagher dating y/n l/n?

There was a picture of Aidan opening a door for me into a restaurant.

"More rumors?" I asked He nodded "great" I sighed

"I have a question." He said suddenly getting nervous


  "What if we made rumors truths". He said

  "Wha- what?" I asked shocked, I mean what do you do when your crush suddenly says that to you.

  "Umm, what if we dated, like would you want to be my-my girlfriend?" He said looking down. I thought for a moment thinking of all the good things the could come.

  "Of course." I said, he looked up at me with the biggest smile ever, now I was kinda thankful for the paparazzi.

1 year later~————

Aidan Gallagher and y/n l/n officially engaged!
-reported by paparazzi

1 year later~————

Y/n l/n officially y/n Gallagher!
-reported by paparazzi

3 years later~————

Aidan announces on live that wife y/n is pregnant!
- reported by paparazzi

9 months later~———-

Aidan Gallagher and y/n Gallagher announce new baby to the family
- reported by paparazzi

What should the baby's gender and name be?

Words: 960

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