Can you come over, please? PT 2 (five)

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TW: mentions of abuse

  it's been 2 weeks since the last five had to come get me. My dad hasn't talked to me, which I much rather prefer then other things. Classes have been normal, even learned I have telekinesis, but I'm still pretty weak in that department, except I feel like I'm getting special treatment from five and Reggie, I don't know why they're so worried, yes it's a scary situation but I can handle it.

  It was currently 7:28 in the morning, the academy had the day off as Reggie was in a business trip, five brought me over some breakfast that he claimed he made, even tho I know it was Grace.

We had our breakfast and we're gonna get ready to go for a walk to the park until my dad called my name, more like yelled it.

"Shit." I said shuffling to get downstairs until Five blinked infront of me.

"Where are you going? You can't go down there, at least not alone he's obviously mad." He said grabbing my shoulders before leading me back to the bed.

"It's gonna make it worse if I stay up here, just please stay here, I can handle it, if I need you you'll know okay?" I said looking into his eyes as he looked back at mine worried.

"Fine, if you're not back in 3 minutes I'm coming down there." He said letting me go.

"Deal." I sighed heading towards the door slightly worried, when I'm around my dad it's almost like my powers just get so weak and I can't defend myself, but no one knows that.

"Dad?" I said coming to the kitchen. "What's wrong? Do you need something?"

"Sit down. Now."  I sat across from him at the table.
"I know that boy is upstairs, so we're gonna make this quick. I noticed you havnt done your chores in awhile, why."

"I'm sorry... it's just the academy has been taking up so much time and when I get home I'm super tired an-"

"Don't fucking lie to me y/n." He said not drawing his attention away from me.

"I-I'm not, I can try to do them real quick tho." I said standing up heading towards the sink. As I walked past him he grabbed my wrist stopping me.

"No. We're not done talking." He said standing up slamming me to the floor. "You are so irresponsible, that academy is doing things to you." He started to raise his voice, how has it not been three minutes yet.

"I'm not letting you go there anymore."

"What?! No! You have to let me! Mom wouldn't want you to do this, please dad." At the mention of my mother he slapped me.

"You can't see that boy anymore either." He said picking me up by my wrist just to slam me to floor again, I started crying hoping and praying five was coming downstairs. I decided to risk it.

"Five! Five help!" I yelled through tears, my dads gaze just getting angrier, he slapped me again.

"What the hell did you just do! You no better than that!" He raised his hand to slap me again until he fell to ground revealing five.

Five punched him the face repeatedly until he couldn't get home.

"Y/n? Love? Are you alright? He said coming over and checking me for injuries seeing my red check and my bruised wrist.

"Oh y/n. No no no, I shouldn't came down sooner, I'm so sorry, I thought-" he was interrupted when my dad groaned starting to get home. "Shit, we have to go." Five said picking me up off the floor throwing my arm over his shoulder.

When I opened my eyes I noticed we were in the academy, his bedroom to be exact. He lead me to his bed letting me lay on it.  He suddenly disappeared

"Five?" I asked worried when he reappeared with an ice pack putting in on my wrist. I scooted over so he could lay down. He let me lay on his chest with my wrist resting up my his collar bone so he could hold the ice pack there.

Time skip———————————-—————————

  I woke probably two hours later still on fives chest.

"Goodmorning." He said playing with my hair.


"Let's go get some coffee." He said leading me down to the kitchen.

We then heard a loud bang come from the front door. Five blinked upstairs to see what was happening.

"I need you to stay down here." He said as he blinked back.

"What? Why! What's going on." I said making me way towards the stairs

"It's your dad. You have to stay here, if he knows you're down here I don't want to risk you getting hurt."

"Five please, I can help."

"No y/n, I'm not risking it." He said blinking off

I ran upstairs anyway seeing Luther trying to fight him, I turned looking for five. I saw he's shoe poking out from behind the pillared and running over seeing him passed out.

"What the hell?" I saw broken glass around him guessing some smashed his head with either a vase or plate.

"Shit." Five mumbled starting to wake up again.

"Five? Hey you're okay."

"Y/n? What the hell are you doing up here, you were suppose to stay in the kitchen."

"Well-" I started until hearing Luther yell causing me to turn seeing my father currently was in the lead. "-I'll be back, one second."

"Y/n? Y/n no! Come back please!"

  "Dad!" I yelled making him stop punching Luther.

"Well there she is, let's go home shall we." He said making his way towards me.

"I'm already home." I said trying to not let him see how scared of him I was.

"Don't play games with me."

I kicked him in the no no zone, when he bent over I kneed him the face causing me to have a bloody nose.

"You bitch." He said grabbing my through and slamming me against the wall.

I couldn't use my hallucinations if I couldn't focus, I obviously could not focus enough right now. I still tried everything I could to get something to work.

  I had enough power to get one hallucination, my mom. My dad immediately let go waking over to her, everyone else seeing him just walk out the front door.

Five kneeled down next to me checking my bruised neck, turning to Diego and nodding, Diego ran out the door only to assume he was going to kill my father.

"Five? W-what is he doing, where is Diego going." I asked worried, yes I hated my dad, but he was still my dad.

I started to up, I didn't know if it was from sadness of my dad probably dying right now or happiness from being free from him.

Five teleported me up to his room laying me in his bed.

"Get some rest, you've had a long day." He said walking out



"C-can you stay here with me, please?" I asked shyly

" Of course y/n" he said laying down next to me, in a matter of seconds I was asleep.

Words: 1209

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