Pregnant? (Aidan)

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Y'all are about 25 in this

I'm terrified, my period is late and I've been feeling really sick lately. Eden who worked with me and Aidan was coming over to help me out.

Ten minutes later I finally heard the doorbell ring.

"Hi eden." I said

"Hey n/n. So I brought some umm pregnancy test."

"Eden... there's no way I'm pregnant we use protection." I embarrassed, I mean you don't usually tell anyone this part of your sex log with your husband.

"There's always a chance." She said handing me a few boxes of test.

"Okay fine. Just don't tell Aidan, I don't know if he wants this or not." I said starting to walk to the bathroom until Edens voice stopped me.

"Do you want this?"

In all honestly of course, I always wanted children but I wasn't sure if Aidan did or even want them this early.

"I don't know" is all I answered as I continued down the hall.

Time skip~———————-~20 minutes~—————-

One of the test said positive and the other said negative. Shit.

"Eden!" I yelled


She saw the test and grabbed my wrist leading me to the garage.

"Eden? What are you doing?"

"I'm taking you to the hospital."


Y/n has been acting weird lately, she gets nervous around me and I feel like she's trying to stay distant.

Eden came over right as I was leaving to go to the store to maybe get some snacks for y/n. Eden didn't even say anything to me but instead rushed to the house.

Was y/n gonna break our marriage? Was she not happy?


"The test came back... your pregnant." The doctor said. I didn't know weather to feel happy or nervous.

Time skip~————————~20 minutes~——————

We just pulled into the drive way and I saw Aidan's car meaning he was home.

"What are you gonna tell him?"asked Eden.

"I don't know, I'll let you know." Closing the door I walked up to the front door and walked in.

The view I saw made me very concerned, Aidan crying on our living room couch. I rushed over and sat next to him rubbing his back as he immediately pressed his head in my chest.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked

"I know." Is all he said, did he find out about me being pregnant, how?

"You do?"

"Yeah but I don't want it to happen so please don't." He asked sobbing

So that's it, he doesn't want kids.

"W-why?" I said starting to cry too.

"Because I thought we were happy."

"I thing got this would make us even more happy."

"What! How would this make us more happy?!" He exclaimed standing up.


"No! I don't want you to leave! I wanted a family with you!"

"What? Aidan wai-"

"What!" He asked

"I need you to know something but I need you to calm down baby please." I said

"Just get it over with." He said sitting down.

"Okay Umm, I understand this probably isn't what you want and if you want me to leave because of it, I suppose I could do that because I'm not gonna give this opportunity up. But... I'm pregnant." As soon as I finished his eyes went wide.

"What?! You're pregnant! Oh my god your pregnant!!! I'm gonna be a dad!! Oh my god!!" He said hugging me tighter than ever then immediately releasing. "Sorry I just don't wanna crush the baby."

I laughed as I hugged him again. After a few minutes oh hugs and kisses he spoke up.

"When did you find out?"

"Today, I've been feeling sick for the past few days and my periods late. Eden came over to help."

"Can I be honest with you?" He asked

"Of course."

"I thought you wanted a divorce, I noticed you were getting distant and stuff and I got nervous." He said looking down

"Is that why you were crying?" He nodded "baby, I would never ever want that, I'm so happy with you and now we can finally start a family."

"I couldn't be happier, let's go to bed yeah? I'm sure the baby needs sleep." I laughed as he lead me up to the room.


she fell asleep in my arms while my hands rested on her stomach, I know there's still no  baby bump but I still want the baby to know I'm here and will always be here.
This is probably gonna be the longest 9 months of my life but atleast I have a beautiful wife and I'm gonna have a wonderful child.

Words: 778

Should I continue with this? Like making a mini family and stuff? I could also do it with five if you want.

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