Nightmare (Aidan)

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(Shootings and blood are involved in this part, so please skip to the next bold text if you are uncomfortable with such things)

Me and my girlfriend y/n we're walking through the mall when we heard gunshots, we started to run towards the exits we were almost there when I tripped and fell, y/n turned around to help me until I heard another gunshot. I looked up to see y/n in shock, I looked down at her stomach too see thick red blood.

"No, no no no no." I mumbled catching her before she could hit the ground. "No! No! No! Somebody help me please!" I yelled as my voice cracked.

I tried to pick her up to run towards the exits, I got her outside as law I for cement took her and went inside the building. Hearing gunshots as I flinched every time. A medic came up to me with a stressed look.

"She didn't make it, we're so sorry." They said and then gave me a moment alone. I yelled out in pain as if I'm my heart has been stabbed.

Y/N POV (over with shooting scene)

I was laying on my boyfriend chest sleeping peacefully until I heard him start to yell.

  "No! No! No! Somebody help!" He sounded in pain, this continued for a few more second as I tried to wake him up. We finally woke up immediately breaking down in my arms.

  "Are you okay!? Are you hurt?!" He asked urgently with tear filled eyes.

  "I should be asking you that, what happened." I asked ribbing his back. Instead of replying he just shook his head continuing to cry into my neck.
I decided to not try to push the subject and to let him get some hopefully good sleep.

Time skip————————-

  It was morning and when I woke up I saw Aidan already awake beside me.

"Morning bubs." I said yawning. As soon as I said that his head snapped toward me and his eyes seemed watery.

  "Morning." He said sniffing

  "What happened? How long have you been awake?" I asked concerned

  "I didn't go to sleep last night." He admitted

"How come?" I started brushing my fingers through his hair

  "Bad dream." His voice breaker slightly as he said that.

  "Wanna talk about it?" I asked, he slither nodded and started to explain.

He was finished and I felt terrible, he was saying how it felt so real, and how he thought he'd never wake up and he'd be stuck in that dream forever.
I couldn't take seeing him like this so for the whole day I stayed in bed with him and watched his favorite movies and make sure he knew that I was okay.

We ended up not going to the mall for a year. Which I can't be mad at, I completely understand why, he cared about me and that's why I love him.

Words: 493

Little said, I was gonna make a super sad ending like

"That was a year ago he had that dream, but now he stood infront of a casket of the one he loved..." but I decided not too sooooo

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