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EJ's pov

"I'm not making a suggestion, my son. Anthony's already signed over his parental rights. You are now Francesca's legal guardian," my father stated firmly.

"I think you're forgetting something, Father." I gave him a pointed look. "I haven't agreed to any of this and I certainly haven't signed any legal documents authorizing my guardianship."

"Mio caro ragazzo (My dear boy)." Stefano held my face in his hands. "You of all people should know I never let the law stand in my way of getting what I want." He firmly patted my cheek before releasing his hold on me. "Questo è ciò che voleva tuo fratello maggiore (This is what your older brother wanted). Così sarà (So it shall be)."

I sighed, knowing there was no point in arguing with my father after hearing those words. So it shall be. The few encounters we've had certainly taught me that much but I won't go down without a fight.

"Can't you just ship Tony's little bastard off to finishing school or a convent or something?"

Father slapped me hard across the face.

"That is your niece you're talking about, who is now your charge. Don't you dare refer to her that way ever again. Sono chiaro (Am I clear)?"

"Capisco (I see)." I rubbed the sting from my cheek. In all fairness, I guess I had that coming.

"I can't protect her if she's away at boarding school. I can only protect her if she's here, Elliot James."

"Father, in all seriousness, I don't know anything about raising a child. Doesn't she have a nanny who can look after her? Wipe her nose, change her diapers, feed her? All that bullshit."

"She's ten years old, you imbecille (imbecile), not ten months old. She doesn't wear diapers, she's fully capable of using the toilet." Father gave me a sharp look meant to warn me to stop being a smartass. "Your brother had to learn quickly how to parent and so shall you my son." Father pressed the intercom on his phone to speak to his main butler/assistant. "Lorenzo, dì a Francesca che vorrei parlarle nel mio studio (tell Francesca I would like to speak to her in my study)."

One minute later, I met my niece for the first time as Father introduced us.

"Francesca, meet your uncle Elliot James."

Simultaneously we objected.

"It's EJ, Father," I stated flatly.

"My name is Claire, Grandfather," the brat whined.

"I'm well aware your given name is Claire Francesca, piccola nipotina (little granddaughter)," Stefano replied.

"UGHHH, stop speaking Italian, Grandfather. You know I'm American and I speak English," Francesca retorted.

"I also know you'll find yourself over my knee if you continue to speak to me that way ragazza disubbidiente (naughty girl)," Father sternly warned.

Claire rolled her eyes.

"Can I go now?"

"In Italiano, per favore (In Italian, please)," Father smirked. "Dopotutto, siamo in Italia (Afterall, we are in Italy)."

"Arrivederci (Bye)," Claire said, as she turned and walked out.

"She's charming," I replied sarcastically.

"You have to get to know each other. She'll grow on you."

"Yeah, like a fungus," I mumbled under my breath.

"What was that mio figlio (my son)?"

"Niente, Padre (Nothing Father). How long did it take you to warm up to her sparkling personality?" I asked, genuinely curious as to how the two of them were getting on.

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