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Claire's pov

After an eternity, my grandfather finally stopped whacking me with the strap. I stayed slumped over his desk, sobbing incoherently. My backside throbbed painfully and the back of my legs were on fire. I hate my grandfather right now. How could he be so harsh and uncaring?

Draping the strap across my lower back, he leaned down and stated coldly, "Don't ever break one of my rules again, Francesca, especially one put in place to ensure your safety. I simply will not tolerate such blatant defiance from anyone and most certainly not from my own family. Do not test me on this, Nipotina (Granddaughter). Capisci (Understand)?"

I couldn't possibly form any words in my current state so I nodded in acknowledgement as I cried even harder, burying my face further into my arms. I stayed like that for several minutes, oblivious to the fact my grandfather had left and I was all alone. When I finally mustered the strength to stand up, I cringed hearing the strap fall to the floor. I had forgotten my grandfather set it on my back. I'm pretty sure that was his way of adding insult to injury but I'm not one of his business associates, I'm his granddaughter for crying out loud.

I stomped on the strap harshly, picturing my grandfather's spanking hand in its place, garnering some misplaced satisfaction as I envisioned my revenge scenario. Kicking it, I managed a slight smile watching it skid across the hardwood floor, quickly regretting it, however, upon feeling the burn reignited on my punished thighs and buttocks. I hope the metal hanging clip scuffs the finish, it would serve him right.

Feeling an unexplained drop in the temperature of the room, a chill ran through me, making me shiver. The more I'm in his study, the more I detest being here. Suddenly, I wanted to get as far away from this dark, depressing room as possible. I ran upstairs, fighting the pain reigniting on my taught, inflamed spanked skin the entire way.

Once in my bedroom, I went into the bathroom to blow my nose and wash my face, although it was pointless since I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. I changed out of my riding pants as gingerly as possible, putting on a loose nightshirt instead. I brushed my teeth before climbing into bed. A little while later, I heard a noise in the hall.

Realizing someone was knocking on my bedroom door, I said, "Just go away and leave me alone!" I kneeled on my bed leaning forward so my butt hovered over my sheets. Hugging my pillow tightly to my chest, I cried. I'd given up lying on my stomach in hopes it would ease the pain, nothing did. My butt and thighs hurt so bad, it didn't matter what position I tried, they were all pure agony. My grandfather spanked me so hard with the strap, I could already see the bruises forming.

Ignoring my rebuke, my uncle opened the door and crossed the threshold uninvited.

"I just came to check on you but if you want to be a pain in the ass..."

I glared at my uncle something fierce and the light bulb finally appeared.

"Oops, sorry, poor choice of words," he said smirking, not seeming to be the least bit sorry.

"Just go away, Uncle EJ. I don't need to watch you rejoice in my misery and I sure as Hell don't want to hear you say I told you so. I feel shitty enough already," I said sniffling, as I wiped my tears. I kept my focus on my pillow so I didn't have to see the smug grin I'm sure he had plastered all over his stupid face.

EJ's pov

As much as this annoying twerp gets on my nerves, I honestly feel bad for her right now. I know how cold and heartless my father can be when doling out punishments, especially when he's been defied.

"You can leave now!" Claire spat out angrily, when she finally looked at me.

"Alright fine, be a brat. I was just trying to be nice but, whatever. See if I care."

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