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Stefano's study

EJ's pov

Father follows me into his study and immediately unleashes on me.

"Che diavolo c'è di sbagliato con te, Elliot James (What the Hell is wrong with you, Elliot James)? Minacciare tua sorella (Threatening your sister). Insultare tua nipote (Insulting your niece). Usare un linguaggio volgare (Using foul language)." My father sadly shakes his head in disbelief at my apparently atrocious behaviour. "Tu dovresti vergognarti di te stesso (You should be ashamed of yourself)."

"The bitch had it coming, Father. How dare she try to forbid me!" I shouted angrily.

Father slapped me sharply across the face.

"Modera subito il tuo discorso, figlio mio, prima che io stesso ti pulisca la lingua (Moderate your speech immediately, my son, before I cleanse your tongue myself)," he warned.

Rubbing my cheek, I inhaled sharply and bit my tongue to apologize, "Mi dispiace di aver parlato in modo inappropriato, Padre (I'm sorry I spoke inappropriately, Father)." Truth is, I'm not the least bit sorry.

"At dinner tonight you will sincerely apologize to Alexandra and Francesca. Am I clear?" Father glared at me, not even remotely amused by my non-repentant amends directed at him.

"Si signore (Yes sir)," I replied dutifully. I know my place in this family, unlike my blissfully ignorant, imbecile of a half-sister.

"You know we require your sister's cooperation and assistance with our upcoming business venture. Non fare nulla per turbarla (Do not do anything to upset her). Capiscimi (Understand me)?"

"Yes, Father, I understand." I understand she's a huge pain in my ass but to keep the peace, I'll rein in my temper and keep my mouth shut, for the most part.

"And as far as your niece goes, you are setting a horrible example for her by speaking so crudely and behaving so childishly. Your brother would be most disappointed in you, Elliot James, and I cannot allow that." Father narrowed his eyes as he squared his stance and puffed out his chest. "Fulfill your duty to him or I'll be forced to reacquaint you with my grandfather's strap," he threatened darkly.

My eyes widened in fear at my father tormenting me with that wretched piece of leather. I shuddered as I remembered that spanking all too vividly.

Claire's pov

When I got out of the shower, I dried myself off quickly. Wrapping the towel around me, I walked back into my room to get dressed for dinner when I noticed out of the corner of my eye my phone had been placed on my nightstand in my absence. Underneath it was a handwritten note that read:

Here's your phone back, twerp. Next time you do something stupid and have it taken away, it will cost you six strokes of my cane to get it back.

It was signed,

Your loving uncle

I couldn't help but chuckle at my uncle's ludicrous threat until I realized he probably wasn't joking, and that wiped the smile off my face right quick. I shuddered trying to get the image of my uncle's scary-ass cane out of my head. A text alert on my phone snapped me out of my recollective nightmare.

Seeing it was from Samantha, I called her immediately as I was so excited to talk to my best friend. We shot the shit until Alfred knocked on my door, reminding me it was time for dinner. Samantha told me to ask my uncle if she, Alex, and Dante could come with her brother Chris next time he was scheduled to work at our stables so we could all hangout since none of us are grounded anymore. I told her I would ask but knowing what a jerk my uncle can be, she shouldn't hold her breath.

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