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The next day

Stefano's pov

I was in a meeting with some business associates regarding the new asset we acquired at dinner last night when I received an urgent call from Lorenzo. I know it's urgent because he called my cell reserved strictly for that purpose. I excused myself from the room momentarily, to take the call in private.

"Qual è l'emergenza (What's the emergency), Lorenzo?"

"Sir, I'm sorry to interrupt your meeting but one of the stablehands just sent me a distress call regarding Francesca."

Hearing my granddaughter's name, he immediately has my undivided attention.

"What about Francesca?" I ask in a panic, fearing for her safety, knowing the Scalucci's will be looking for an opportunity to retaliate.

"Apparently she's left the grounds with Tuono, sir."

"Elliot James isn't with her?"

"No sir, she's alone."

"Does our employee have a location on her?"

"Yes sir, he's got eyes on her right now."

I sighed heavily, dreading the answer to my next question.

"Does she or the horse appear to be injured or in distress?"

"No sir, she appears to have control of Tuono and there's no apparent injuries to either one of them."

"PORCA MISERIA (DAMMIT)!" I ran my hand down my face in frustration. "My little granddaughter has no idea how much trouble she is in right now but come tonight she'll know for certain. Won't she, Lorenzo?"

"I imagine she will, sir. How do you want to proceed?"

"I'll contact Elliot James and he'll be in touch," I said, ending the call with Lorenzo. Switching to another cell, I called my son.

"Father, I'm in the middle of something. Can I call you back?" my son asked, sounding quite out of breath as I heard a woman giggling in the background.

Ignoring his request, I asked, "Is Francesca with you?"

"No, she's at the stables attending to Tuono and completing her chores."

I heard the woman in the background say, "EJ, come on."

Trying to cover the phone to muffle me from hearing his response to her, my son replied, "Hold on a second, baby."

"Are you sure about that?" I asked calmly, trying not to lose my temper.

"Yes. Is something wrong, Father? Can't this wait?" my son replied, a bit impatiently and quite unwisely.

"Ascolta attentamente (Listen carefully). Lo dirò solo una volta (I'm only going to say this once). Mettiti i pantaloni, Figlio, e mostra la puttana fuori (Put your pants on, Son, and show the whore out)."

"Father, I..."

"PROPRIO ADESSO (RIGHT NOW)!" I shouted, interrupting him. I heard him speaking hurriedly in the background amidst some high pitched whiny protests.

"Alright, Father, I'm alone now. What's going on with Claire?" Obviously forgetting whom he was speaking to, my son responded with attitude.

"I strongly suggest you watch the tone you take with me, Elliot James, or your niece won't be the only one facing my harsh discipline tonight. Capisci (Understand)?"

"Si signore (Yes sir)."

"Francesca has left the grounds with Tuono and I need you to retrieve them and bring them back safely. NOW! Tuono to her stall. Francesca to my study."

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