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EJ's pov

"Ah, here it is," Father exclaimed, picking up the copy of yesterday's paper. He opened it to the page the story was on and placed it in front of me. "This one," he said, pointing to the article he wanted me to read.

Playing dumb, I starting reading aloud, "High-end jewelry store tycoon Salvatore Amici was arraigned Monday on charges of violating child labor laws in several of the factories where his jewelry is produced. This comes in the wake of his indictment last week on multiple charges of tax evasion. Sources say an anonymous tip from one of Amici's personal associates led to his initial arrest and subsequent charges on both law violations. Prosecutors believe they have enough evidence to keep Amici behind bars for thirty plus years, ensuring the once respected businessman will live out the rest of his days in a prison cell." Setting the paper down, I looked at my father and said, "Hmm, that certainly is an interesting turn of events for your cousin. I'm sure you're sorry to hear that, Father. For the sake of our business as your legal advisor, I highly recommend the Dimerra family officially sever all ties with him, both professionally and personally."

Father frowned at me.

"One day, Son, I will demand an explanation from you regarding this matter," he said, giving me a cross look.

"Yes, Father, but getting back to the subject of Claire, I highly doubt that rational fear will be her saving grace someday. She's clearly inherited her mother's delusional, unfounded air of entitlement and Tony's bull-headed refusal to learn from one's mistakes."

Father chuckled at my spot on psychological analysis.

"Hardly a great combination in an emotionally unstable preteen girl." I tried to give my father a not so subtle hint that Claire needed help coping right now.

"Hopefully her therapy will help with that," my father replied stoically.

"How did you..." Flabbergasted, I let the remainder of my question go unspoken.

"Sono ancora il capo di questa famiglia, figlio mio, e faresti bene a non dimenticarlo (I'm still the head of this family, my son, and you'd be wise not to forget that)."

"Non ho dimenticato, Papà, e io non intendevamo mancare di rispetto (I haven't forgotten, Father, and I didn't intend any disrespect)."

Father nodded in acceptance of my response.

"I'm just worried about her, Father. This is a lot for any young girl to deal with, let alone one who's missing both her parents." Even though she's incredibly irritating, I still feel bad for the hand she's been dealt in life. I mean, except for my presence of course as her charming witty uncle. She's beyond fortunate to be graced with my wisdom, expertise, and dashing good looks. I'm the best thing going for that girl right now.

"Perhaps her guardian should spend some more quality time with her, instead of entertaining an endless parade of mindless whores under the roof I put over his head. Saresti d'accordo, Figliolo? (Would you agree, Son)?" he asked facetiously.

Inhaling sharply, I slowly exhaled through my nostrils, keeping my lips pressed tightly together as I bit my tongue to keep from mouthing off to my father. I know he won't hesitate to slap me if I do and I need to keep my pretty boy face pristine for the ladies. I wouldn't want to damage God's gift to the female population, afterall.

"You know it wasn't my idea to be charged with her care, Father. I'm doing the best I can," I replied through a tight lipped scowl, in way of an answer to his sarcastic query. "I didn't ask for this either."

Grabbing my chin forcefully, my father chuckled as I flinched at his touch.

"Non mettere alla prova la mia pazienza, Elliot James, perché non sarai soddisfatto del risultato (Don't try my patience, Elliot James, as you won't be pleased with the outcome). Capisci (Understand)?" He firmly patted my cheek with his open hand, alluding to one of the consequences I'd suffer if I continued to antagonize him.

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