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Three weeks later

EJ's pov

Ever since his birthday party, Father and I have been burning the midnight oil on what could very well be considered the deal of the century. I won't go into details but it's pretty huge. Several businesses, illegal merchandise, and alliances will be traded. Once this deal goes down, we'll need to make use of one of our safehouses to lay low until the dust settles from the fall-out.

This business venture has been occupying the majority of my time and energy for the past few weeks so Claire and her less than stellar behaviour have been flying under the radar. Well, that shit stops today, let me tell you. She's only been awake for forty minutes and I've had more than enough of her snotty attitude already. I'm about to take her over my knee and spank it out of her.

"I don't want pancakes, or eggs, or cereal." Claire is whining at the servants over her breakfast choice. "Waffles? That's like the same as pancakes and I said I didn't want pancakes. Jeez! Can't Cook make something else?" She huffed dramatically, "UGGHHH!" slumping down in her chair as she laid her head down on the table.

"She'll have a bowl of cold cereal with sliced banana and a glass of orange juice," I told the poor servant currently saddled with getting my bratty niece's breakfast order.

"NO! I said I didn't want cereal, Uncle EJ," she groaned, turning to look in my direction, too lazy to even pick up her head.

"You've lost the privilege of choosing your breakfast due to your incessant whining and complaining." I set my newspaper down to address the twerp. In response to her glaring at me, I narrowed my eyes and warned, "You'll eat every bite without complaint." She was ready to protest but thankfully kept her mouth shut. Returning to my tea and paper, I watched her out of the corner of my eye. She was absentmindedly pushing her cereal flakes back and forth across the sea of milk in her bowl. This went on for over ten minutes.

"I'm not hungry. I'm going upstairs," Claire informed me, as she pushed her chair back from the table.

"You're not going anywhere until you finish your breakfast." I waited a moment to gauge her reaction. When she persisted in her defiance by standing up, I barked, "SIT DOWN!"

"I saaaaaid, I'm. not. hun.gry." She over-enunciated every syllable to accentuate her obstinance.

Having listened to more than enough of her impudence, I rose from the table to confront her. Getting in her face, I towered over her.

"You have two options right now, piccola monello (little brat), so choose wisely. You can either sit down and quietly eat your breakfast as you were told, or you can accompany me to your grandfather's study and learn firsthand why you should have chosen option number one." My lips were pressed tightly together in a thin scowl as I stood awaiting her decision.

Her nostrils flared as she exhaled angrily. The internal battle between swallowing one's pride versus risking one's hide raged on. A part of me is honestly hoping she tests me so I can spank this stubborn streak out of her once and for all. I flexed the fingers of my spanking hand impatiently.

Without saying a word, my hellion niece informed me of her choice by plopping down in her seat and picking up her spoon. A mixture of relief and disappointment washed over me knowing I wouldn't be reddening her bottom this morning. Although it can be a rather laborious chore, it's times like these, I rather enjoy putting the miscreant in her place.

"You don't have to stand here and watch me!" she snapped at me, full of attitude. "I'm doing what you wanted so just leave me alone already."

"You know, Claire Francesca, you are an exceptionally lucky little girl today," I said, keeping my tone even.

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