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Two weeks later

EJ's pov

"Uncle EJ, what kinda work do you do?" the twerp asked.

"I'm a lawyer, Claire, you know that," I replied, never taking my eyes off my phone.

"If you're a lawyer, how come you're at home all the time? Shouldn't you be in court or something, saying stuff like objection your honor and may I approach the bench?"

Thank God for all the courtroom drama shows on American tv I thought to myself, rolling my eyes in disgust. This is what my naive little niece thinks it's like to practice law.

"A lot of my work I can do from home and for your information, I do go into the office on occasion. Don't make it sound like I sit on the couch all day watching soap operas."

Claire's pov

"Can I come with you next time you go to work at your office?" I asked, really hoping he'd say yes. After getting a little taste of freedom when I went with my aunt to her friend's house, I'm dying to bust these walls again. Normally, I would hangout with Tuono to counteract my boredom but Grandfather is restricting how much time I can spend with her since I haven't been studying my Italian like I promised I would.

"No," he stated flatly, without hesitation, his eyes still glued to his phone screen.

"Why not?" I whined.

"Because I said so. Don't ask me again unless you want to have this discussion in your grandfather's study face down over my lap." This time my uncle made a point of looking directly at me, warning me with his posture, tone, and facial expressions as well as his words.

I knew he wasn't making empty threats so I didn't push the issue.

"Well, what kind of job does Grandfather have?" I asked, trying to switch gears without completely veering off course.

"He's a businessman," he replied, vaguely and dismissively.

"What does that mean?" I honestly wanted to know.

"He deals in matters concerning business." My uncle remained evasive.

"What kind of business?" I tried to dig deeper.

"Noneya." My uncle tried to hide the smirk on his face by covering his mouth but I could still see it in his eyes.

"What's noneya?" I asked, confusion written all over my face.

"Noneya? You know," he paused looking at me expectantly, "As in none of ya business, brat." He smiled slightly before pressing his lips together tightly, trying to suppress his sly grin.

"Ha ha, very funny. You're hilarious," I replied sarcastically, rolling my eyes for effect.

"Well, you asked," he said, in way of a defense.

"Does Grandfather ever work at an office?" I asked, knowing my endless questions were starting to irritate my uncle, which was kind of a fun way to pass the time, not gonna lie.

"I don't know. Why don't you ask him, twerp?" He was getting annoyed.

"I thought you and Grandfather and my dad all worked together in the same business?" I questioned.

"Yes. What's your point?"

"My point is..." I gave my uncle the duh look as I rolled my eyes and sighed before continuing, "What kind of business is it if you're a lawyer and they're not and the three of you each lived in different countries when you worked together?"

"The family business," he replied definitively, letting me know this conversation was over.

My uncle stood up, making a call on his cell as he left the room. I got up too so I could eavesdrop on his conversation.

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