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Stefano's study

EJ's pov

I set the wretched strap down on my father's desk and pulled Claire into my arms, giving her a quick hug.

"We don't know that, Claire. Your father could be back any day now," I say, lying through my teeth in a hopefully convincing, or at least reassuring manner.

"Don't bullshit a bullshitter, Uncle EJ," she says, smiling slightly through her sniffling as she wipes her eyes while calling me out.

Figures the brat would see right through me. Parenthood is making me soft and predictable. Note to self, don't let that happen.

"Your father sure as Hell better come back so I don't have to deal with your bratty behaviour for the rest of my life."

She jeers at me and sticks her tongue out.

"You're no prize either," she sasses.

"Well then for both our sakes we have to believe he'll be back. Soon. Alright?"

Nodding, she softly says, "Okay," with zero plausibility or conviction. "I'll try."

"Now," I say, picking up the strap as I lean against my father's desk. "Let's get back to the matter at hand."

Claire immediately steps back, trying to distance herself from the cruel piece of leather I have balanced between my fingers. She shakes her head no, the fear on her face evident as she continues to back away.

"Come here," I say sternly, beckoning her with two fingers to stand in front of me. "You're still in trouble for neglecting your schoolwork, Francesca, so don't make this any harder on yourself."

She continues to shake her head while slowly backing away from me.

"Come here, now!"

Seeing the serious look on my face and hearing the determination in my voice, she finally complies, albeit reluctantly. I notice some stray tears escape her eyes despite the fact she's keeping her head down, refusing to look at me. It's obvious she hates to be emotionally vulnerable in front of anyone. Just like her father, I thought to myself as Tony always viewed displaying one's feelings to be a sign of weakness.

***EJ's flashback***

I'll never forget the first time I met my half-brother. It was the day after I first met our father. After Father beat the tar out of me with Great-grandfather's strap, I was sent straight to what would one day become my bedroom here at the mansion. I crashed face first on the guest bed and cried. I didn't see or hear from anyone until Lorenzo brought my dinner up three hours later. After eating only two bites since I had zero appetite, I took a quick shower and cried myself to sleep that night.

The next day, I stayed in that room with every intention of not coming out until it was time for Father's driver to take me to the airport. Unfortunately, my flight was delayed three hours, meaning I'd have to sit through my first Dimerra family dinner. My father summoned my half-sister home the day before, flying her in from the States for the sole purpose of introducing us so I could meet both my half siblings in one fell swoop. Tony was still living here with Father, having never left since he was being groomed to one day take over the family business.

Tony knocked on the guest bedroom door, opening it cautiously when I didn't answer.

"Hey, you must be Elliot James, I'm your half-brother Tony." He shook my hand and said, "You better hurry up and get dressed for dinner, Father and Lexie are waiting."

"It's EJ, and I am dressed," my naive little eleven-year-old self replied.

Tony laughed at my guilelessness.

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