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Later that week

Claire's pov

Today is Uncle EJ's birthday so Grandfather, Cook, and I are preparing him a special breakfast full of his favorite treats. We brewed his favorite breakfast tea, baked some delicious lavender scones, and had Devonshire clotted cream shipped in from England. Cook made him some Elks Benedict, which is the same as Eggs Benedict, except the meat is an elk sausage patty instead of Canadian bacon. It sounded gross but it was super good.

After we were done eating, it was time for presents.

"Uncle EJ, will you open my present first, please?" I picked his gift out myself online. Grandfather paid for it but I promised I'd pay him back by doing whatever chores or little jobs he had for me.

"Might as well get the lamest one out of the way first," he snarked.

"It's not lame. You're lame," I said, sticking my tongue out at him.

"Ooh, good comeback, dolt." When Grandfather wasn't looking, he stuck his tongue back out at me.

"I'm not insulted cuz I don't know what a dolt is so just open your gift already, weirdo," I said, shoving the package in his face.

"I can tell you wrapped it yourself. Either that or you trained a monkey to do it."

"What do you think?" I sneered, hands on hips with a whole lotta attitude.

"I was just kidding, Claire. Don't be mad," he pouted, sticking his bottom lip out. "Come here," he said, patting his knee for me to sit.

Reluctantly, I accepted his offer, afraid he would pull me across his lap instead. Thankfully, he didn't.

"I know you were the one who wrapped my present. We both know you're not smart enough to train a monkey to do it," he said laughing, as he patted my thigh.

He just insulted me instead.

"Very funny. Ha ha, now open my gift already," I said, trying not to let on how excited I was to see his reaction.

"Alright, alright. Don't get your Pampers in a twist." My uncle tore open the wrapping paper and pulled out his gift. It was a handheld mirror.

"Get it?" I asked. "Because you love looking at yourself so much," I said, giggling.

Grandfather chuckled too.

"She picked it out herself, Son. I have a feeling you'll get a lot of use out of it," he said, smiling as he winked at him.

Holding it up to see the reflection of his face, my uncle said, "I have to admit it does look amazing," as he admired himself.

"Turn it over and look at the handle," I said excitedly, bouncing on his knee. I had it engraved.

"For the uncle who has everything, except humility," he read the inscription aloud. Chuckling, he said, "Thanks, squirt, I love it." Looking at his reflection again in the mirror, he rudely shoved me off his lap. "Scoot! You're in my light," he said, fixing his hair as he admired himself.

"Unnecessary," I replied frowning, as I went to sit by my grandfather.

"Behave yourself, Elliot James," he warned.

"Grandfather, are you going to give Uncle EJ the same birthday present he got me for my birthday?" I asked hopefully.

My Grandfather chuckled, replying, "While that seems like a fitting gift, Nipotina (Granddaughter), I think your poor Nonno's (Grandfather's) hand wouldn't survive delivering all those spanks."

"Can you try, Grandfather? It's only twenty-four plus one to grow on. Please," I begged.

"Zip it, squirt, before I transfer them to you," my uncle sassed.

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