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Claire's pov

I spent the rest of the night in my room as my uncle dictated, nursing my sore backside. Cook sent my dinner up with Alfred so I didn't have to suffer through an awkward meal with my uncle and grandfather, for which I was very thankful. I called my friend Samantha and vented for over an hour before going to bed early.

The next morning I slept in and went down to breakfast late, hoping I'd have the dining room to myself. Unfortunately, the gods of fate did not smile upon me as I saw my uncle and grandfather sitting at the table when I walked in.

"Buongiorno, Nipotina (Good morning, Granddaughter). Avete dormito bene? (Did you sleep well)?" My grandfather asked politely.

"Si, Nonno, Ho dormita bene (Yes, Grandfather, I slept fine), no thanks to some people." I sneered at my uncle, giving him a dirty look. Taking my seat, I winced as I forgot to do it slowly and gently to avoid undue pressure on my recently spanked bottom.

My uncle chuckled smugly at my discomfort, apparently pleased with the severity of the punishment he delivered to my backside last night.

"Perché lo sguardo aspro sul tuo viso, Nipotina (Why the sour look on your face, Granddaughter)?"

I remained silent, unsure of what my grandfather just said.

"Did you land yourself in some trouble yesterday, piccola ragazza (little girl)?" he asked, knowing I couldn't translate what he asked earlier.

Narrowing my eyes and frowning at my uncle, I then looked to my grandfather as I admitted my supposed transgression, "Si, Nonno (Yes, Grandfather). I apparently did something to make Uncle EJ mad, even though I don't think I did anything wrong."

My uncle slammed his fork down with quite a bit of force as the whole table shook.

"Calmati, Elliot James, ci penso io (Calm down, Elliot James, I will handle this)," my grandfather warned.

My uncle wasn't happy but he knew better than to disobey my grandfather.

"There are better ways to go about accompanying your uncle to his place of work than stowing away in his car, signorina (young lady). Aren't there?"

Crap! My grandfather obviously knows everything that happened. Suddenly I didn't feel much like talking so I simply nodded my head in agreement.

"Such as asking permission first and waiting until it's granted. Sì (Yes)?" My grandfather gave me a pointed look, one I'm sure he's perfected over the years by using it several times on my father growing up.

"Si, Nonno, Mi dispiace (Yes, Grandfather, I'm sorry)," I replied quietly, not wanting to give my uncle the satisfaction of hearing me loudly state my repentance.

"You should be, piccola ragazza (little girl). What you did was extremely dangerous and most definitely put your safety in jeopardy along with my son's. Corretto (Correct)?"

"I know you want me to say si, Nonno (yes, Grandfather), but we just went to a gas station. I don't understand what the big deal is. Why is everyone acting like I went on a murderous crime spree or something?" I slumped down in my chair, crossed my arms over my chest, and harrumphed grouchily.

"Unbelievable," my uncle muttered, loud enough to be heard. When he started to get up, my grandfather silently motioned for him to remain seated.

"I thought your uncle made it known to you quite clearly why your actions were reckless, dangerous, and never to be repeated, Francesca. Perhaps you're in need of a refresher course to be taught in my study with the use of some very persuasive visual aids." The look on my grandfather's face made me want to shrivel up and die. He was stone cold serious and beyond pissed. "Is that something you require, signorina (young lady), to learn this lesson?"

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