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 Stefano's study

Claire's pov

Despite starting to hyperventilate, I managed to cautiously open the door and face my uncle. My eyes immediately went to the worn leather strap on the far wall. I swallowed hard, wondering if this would be the day I'd feel its sting on my backside. I instinctively reached back to cover my bottom.

"You, uh, wanted to speak to me?" I asked timid as a mouse, knowing full well how much trouble I was in.

"Sit down, Francesca!" my uncle barked, pointing to the chair in front of my grandfather's desk as he jolted me back to the here and now.

I obediently sat down in front of my uncle but I couldn't look at him. I've pissed him off a thousand times before but this is the first time I've blatantly defied him and my uncle doesn't take this sort of thing lightly. I cautiously peered up, hearing his chair creak as he stood to confront me. I guess I should have dressed for my punishment since my uncle was wearing a neatly pressed, impeccably tailored, expensive Italian suit.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself before I punish you?" His tone was beyond steely, devoid of any emotion and somehow so much worse than when his fury is obvious.

I was momentarily paralyzed. I didn't know if I should try to plead my case or just keep my mouth shut. Which one would keep me from getting into more trouble? Was that even a viable option at this point?

"I'm sorry," I said quietly, barely above a whisper.

"Scusa per cosa, piccola ragazza (Sorry for what, little girl)?" my uncle asked calmly, yet the anger embedded in his question was undeniable.

I couldn't face my uncle right now, I was too afraid I'd burst into tears. I remained silent, knowing any answer I could produce would surely make him madder.

"Tell me what you're sorry for, Francesca. Are you sorry you blatantly disobeyed me? Are you sorry you put your safety in jeopardy by leaving to places unknown without permission? Or are you simply sorry you got caught, mia nipote (my niece)?"

I was so intimidated by my uncle right now, I was overcome with fear.

"Well? Which is it, Francesca? Tell me." My uncle spoke with rigid, unyielding authority, the kind you never question and quickly submit to.

"For all of it, Uncle EJ. I'm sorry for all of it." I bit my bottom lip as I fiddled with my hands in my lap.

"When I give an order, I expect it to be OBEYED!" My uncle slammed his hands down hard on Grandfather's desk, making me jump at the loud noise. "It was very unwise of you to defy me, mia nipote (my niece), and now you're going to be punished."

I gulped, knowing I couldn't avoid the consequences of my disobedience much longer.

"Guardami adesso (Look at me now), Francesca." My uncle stood over me, glaring intently. Realizing I didn't know what he just said, he tilted my chin up to meet his eyes. "My older brother, your father, entrusted me with your care and safety, little girl, and I'll be damned if you're going to make me fail him. Do you understand me?"

Tears sprang to my eyes hearing him mention my father. I know he'd be really disappointed in me for disobeying my uncle so I nodded in agreement.

Gripping my jaw tightly, my uncle said in perhaps the most terrifying tone ever to reach my ears, "You have disrespected me enough in the past twelve hours, Francesca, and it ends now. I expect you to look me in the eye and say yes sir and I will accept nothing less. Capiscimi adesso (You understand me now)?"

Swallowing hard, I humbly and softly replied, "Yes sir."

My uncle stood silently, hands on his hips, nostrils flared in anger as he contemplated the best way to proceed. He momentarily closed his eyes, breathing in deep and exhaling slowly. After perhaps the longest minute of my young life, my uncle removed his suit coat, rolled up the sleeves of his impeccably starched dress shirt, loosened the knot of his tie and sat back down behind my grandfather's desk.

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