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The next day

Claire's pov

Thank God Aunt Lexie is taking me with her today when she goes to visit one of her friends who lives about a half-hour away from here. Uncle EJ and Grandfather never let me leave the grounds unless one of them is with me and they never take me anywhere. I'm sick of being trapped here. Even though Grandfather's estate is huge, I'm tired of seeing the same things everyday. It was fun to explore the mansion and the gardens and stuff at first but now it's a drag. I just want to be anywhere but here and see something different for a change and now thanks to my aunt, I'm gonna do just that.

Aunt Lexie said her friend has a thirteen-year-old daughter so we can hang out while the adults talk. Hopefully she's cool cuz I haven't been around anyone but adults since I've been here and lemme tell you, it's gettin' real old. You know it's bad when looking out the window at the passing landscape is exciting. The ride went pretty quickly so before I knew it the driver was dropping us off at her friend's villa. Is everybody in Italy rich? I wondered, as I stared at the beautiful house.

"Were those horses we saw your friend's?" I asked my aunt, as we got out of the car with a few of Grandfather's private security detail following close behind.

"Yes, she has a large stable with some beautiful horses. Maybe you and Samantha can go on a trail ride while I visit with her mom." My aunt smiled at me as we went inside to meet her friend and her daughter.

I always wanted to have a horse of my own but my mom said there was no place for them in the city and going out to the country was such a bore so there was no point in me owning one cuz I'd never see it. Still, I always envied the girls at my school who took riding lessons and owned their own horses. They were so lucky, I thought. If I had a horse I'd learn how to groom it and I'd feed it apples and ride it all the time. It seemed like it would be such a great way to escape the noisy, crowded city and all its traffic and pollution. Now that I'm outta the city, it just seems like a great way to escape, period.

I got along pretty well with Victoria's thirteen-year-old daughter Samantha, really well actually. She wasn't at all the rich snobby Italian princess I thought she'd be. She, her mom, dad, and brother lived in California up until three years ago when her dad got promoted and they moved here to Italy for his job. She said she hated leaving America to live here at first but now she really likes being here. Of course she does, I thought. She's got her very own horse that she can ride whenever she wants.

Samantha showed me around the stables and told me all about how she cares for her horse. We even got to go on a trail ride. She rode her horse Daisy and her older brother Chris let me ride with him on his horse Comet. It was the most fun I've had since coming to Italy. When we got back to the stables, Samantha's brother reminded her she still needed to get her chores done so I helped her clean the stalls and take care of the saddles and feed the horses.

While we were working we talked about our friends, boys, school, our families, and the differences between living in the U.S. and Italy. Samantha told me the boys are way hotter here and more mature than the ones back in California.

I said, "I wouldn't know since my uncle and grandfather never let me go anywhere. This is the first time I've left the mansion in two weeks, except the one time I got to go to the store with my aunt."

"You should come with me next weekend to a party my boyfriend Alex is having at his house. His parents are gonna be away all weekend so he's having a big bash. Well, his older brother Sergio is the one having the party but my boyfriend still gets to invite some of his friends to buy his silence, ya know."

"Your mom and dad will let you go to a party at your boyfriend's house when his parents aren't gonna be home?" I asked in shock.

"Yeah, just because Chris will be there too. He's friends with Sergio and my mom and dad know how super overprotective he is so they know he'll be keeping a close eye on me. Usually I find his overprotectiveness really annoying but times like this, it has its perks. They have a really cute younger brother Dante who's eleven. He'd be perfect for you. I could set you guys up."

Oooh, an older man, I thought to myself. How risque. Samantha showed me a picture of her boyfriend and he's really cute so maybe his little brother's cute too.

"I don't know," I said. "I mean, I'd really like to go but I don't know if I can."

"Let's ask your aunt when we get back to the house," Samantha said excitedly.

We hurried up and finished all of Samantha's chores and ran to ask Aunt Lexie if I could go with her to the party.

"You'll have to ask Uncle EJ or your grandfather, honey, because I leave in two days to fly back home. Remember?"

"Oh shoot, I forgot you're leaving Tuesday. Can't you stay longer? Please, Aunt Lexie? Please?" I begged.

"I really can't, sweetheart. I have to get back to work. I don't have any more time off."

"Awwww," I whined.

"Next time I come to visit you we'll come here and you can hang out with Samantha then. Okay?"

"Alright," I sighed sadly, knowing there was no chance I could go to the party now.

Patting my arm in consolation, my aunt said, "Now, the two of you go play for awhile before we have to leave. Okay?"

Samantha and I went upstairs to hang out in her room.

"Sorry I can't go to the party," I said, plopping myself down in one of her bean bag chairs.

"Your aunt said to ask your uncle and grandfather. Won't they let you go?" Samantha asked optimistically.

"Ha," I snorted. "No way in Hell they'll let me go."

"Just try. Ok? I really want you to meet my boyfriend and his little brother."

"Alright, I'll try but don't get your hopes up. My uncle's kind of an ass."

"Then ask your grandfather," Samantha said, in a duh tone of voice.

"He'll just say no or he'll tell me to go ask my uncle since he's technically my guardian."

"Well, maybe you can sneak out then," Samantha suggested casually.

"Ya think?" I asked skeptically.

"Sure, I do it all the time," Samantha quipped, like it was no big deal.

"Maybe," I said, with little to no confidence that I could pull something like that off. Just then we heard Aunt Lexie and Samantha's mom call us downstairs cuz it was time to leave.

Three days later at the mansion

Claire's pov

Right before dinner, I asked my uncle about going to the party with Samantha on Saturday.

"No," was all he said in response.

"But why not?" I whined.

"Because I said no, brat. I can't ensure your safety there and your grandfather would kill me if I let something happen to his spoiled little princess." My uncle had no intention of even considering letting me go, which came as no surprise.

I stomped my foot and pouted.

"You never let me do anything. You're such an ass." Oops, did I say that last part outloud? Seeing the look on my uncle's face gave me my answer. Shit! I tried to turn around and leave but he grabbed me by the wrist.

"What did you call me?" he hissed, squeezing my wrist tighter, preventing me from fleeing up to my room.

"Nothing. I'm sorry okay, I didn't mean it," I said quietly.

He smacked my bottom with his free hand.

"Watch your mouth," he scolded, pointing his finger in my face. "Next time I'll slap your face. Capiscimi (Understand me)?"

"Si, Zio, ho capito (Yes, Uncle, I understand)."

Reluctantly, he released his hold on me.

"Go upstairs now and get ready for dinner," he ordered coldly. I got about a third of the way up the stairs when he yelled, "And I don't want to hear one more word about that party, Claire."

I ran the rest of the way up the stairs as I rushed to my room, slamming the door behind me. This is so unfair. I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling as tears of frustration pricked my eyes. I hate living in this prison. Grabbing my phone, I wiped my tears and texted Samantha. You have 2 help me bust outta here Saturday so I can go to the party.

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