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Claire's pov

Still draped over Cousin Sal's knees, I'm wondering when he's going to begin my spanking. He was so quick to pull me across his lap, but he certainly doesn't seem to be in a big hurry to punish me. I really don't think I deserve to be spanked for telling him my bedtime isn't until later. I kinda get the feeling he was just looking for any excuse to spank me. But why? And if that was the case, why hasn't he started spanking me yet?

He seems pretty content to just pat my bottom as he lectures me. Maybe he's afraid to spank me, or maybe he changed his mind. Either way, I might still be able to talk him out of this. No harm in trying.

"Cousin Sal, you don't have to do this. I'll go straight to my room and put my pajamas on and brush my teeth and go straight to bed. I promise I'll listen to you and I won't argue. Pleeeeease," I whined pathetically.

"From where I'm sitting it sounds like you're still arguing, little missy," Cousin Sal said, tapping my bottom with two fingers. "Am I correct?"

What does he mean from where he's sitting? I'm literally lying face down in the same place.

"No sir, I'm not arguing."

"No more talking now, Claire. I want you to remain quiet while I spank you, or I'll add on more swats and I'll tell your grandfather you misbehaved. Capisci (Understand)?"

I nodded but remained silent since I just wanted to get this overwith. I already feel like I've been in this humiliating position long enough. Tears pricked my eyes as Cousin Sal laid down the first spank. Actually, it was more like a firm pat. Oh thank God, I thought, he's an even softer spanker than Aunt Lexie. I can handle this.

Cousin Sal spanked me softly three more times before he paused my punishment to adjust the elastic on my panties. Sliding his hand underneath the leg lines he used the back of his fingers to temporarily pull them away from my bottom before letting the elastic snap back over the globes of my ass. He delivered three more soft spanks before adjusting the waistband of my underwear by gently tugging it up higher over my lower back, driving the elastic of the leg lines further into my buttcrack, thus starting the process all over again. I think they call this a vicious circle.

Cousin Sal seemed more interested in adjusting my panties and rubbing and patting my bottom than actually spanking it. The more he rubbed, the more he shifted my position atop his thighs. I'm not complaining though, I'd rather get a weird soft spanking like this than a normal hard one like the kind Uncle EJ gave me. I don't even think my butt's gonna be red by the time he's done. I think my stomach hurts more, from what I'm guessing is his hard stiff zipper poking me, than my bottom does from this spanking.

"Ten more spanks, little one, and then hopefully you've learned your lesson," he said, tapping his pointer finger on the fleshiest part of my bottom.

My intuition was correct in that after Cousin Sal delivered my last ten spanks slowly and softly, the cheeks on my face were redder from embarrassment, than the ones on my butt were from my punishment.

Lifting me off his lap and standing me between his knees, Cousin Sal said, "I'm sorry I had to do that, Claire, but you need to realize you have to listen to me and do as I say without argument. Ok?"

"Ok, Cousin Sal. I promise I'll listen and not argue," I said shyly, still feeling quite awkward around him.

"Good girl. This will just be our little secret then. Agreed?" Cousin Sal said, smiling as he winked at me.

"Agreed," I said, knowing I don't have any intention of telling anyone about this weird-ass spanking I just got from my grandfather's strange cousin. I'm assuming this somehow ties into the whole touchy feely thing Europeans have going on.

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