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EJ's pov

Before confronting Tony's brat in Father's study, I decided to do my homework. I wouldn't want to be accused of being a hypocrite, afterall. I opened my email and started to actually read the messages pertaining to Claire's online schooling. Unfortunately, there's a ridiculous amount of them so this might take some time. I suppose it won't hurt the little shit to sit and stew for awhile. This is all her fault anyway and I'm still annoyed she's the reason my playtime with Divina? Dulciana? was cut short.

Forty-two minutes later, I finally figured out how to sign on to the site where I could see her grades in her classes and all her scores on tests, quizzes, and homework assignments. I thought being an adult was tiring, but being a responsible guardian is downright exhausting. Who knew parenting would be so much work? Honestly ridiculous.

Looking through the info on the website, I see she's missing quite a few assignments in each of her classes. Her scores are quite good on the ones she did turn in though, indicating comprehension of the lesson material isn't the issue. She's simply not making the effort to complete her homework. Her quiz scores support my hypothesis as well. She either gets a 90% or a 20%, nothing inbetween, which means half the time she's either purposely getting the answers wrong or just not answering most of the questions.

The more I investigate, the more pissed off I become. My annoying twerp of a niece is in for a rude awakening. I can't believe she's been slacking off to this extent. I thought she would have learned her lesson after being punished so many times for not studying her Italian. Good Lord, why are kids so dumb? It's time to put the fear of God in my bratty niece, or more accurately the fear of her grandfather.

When I entered Father's study, the little dumbass orphan looked unconcerned. That's partially my fault though because I forgot to take her phone away before sending her in here to wait. No wonder she wasn't worried, she had an entertaining means of distraction at her fingertips. My bad. I can easily remedy that though.

"Come here and give me your phone," I ordered firmly, gesturing with my hand.

"But I need my phone to set my alarm to get up in the morning," she argued.

"Like you did today?" I quipped rhetorically.

"OMG! Why you gotta make a big deal out of everything, Uncle EJ? It was literally one time."

I can't believe the little shit has the nerve to lie to my face. Unbelievable. The unmitigated gall of this child.

"Was it, Francesca?" I want to see if she's stupid enough to look me in the eye and repeat her lie.


"Was it one time?" I stood glaring at her as I crossed my arms over my chest. "Look me in the eye and tell me this morning was the only time you've failed to get up in time for school," I challenged.

She immediately lowered her gaze, remaining inexplicably quiet all of a sudden.

"Nah-ah, eyes up here," I snapped, directing her to look at me.

I heard her gulp as she nervously raised her head.

Mumbling, she replied, "Um, it may have happened one other time."

"Just one?" I goaded, wanting her to dig her own grave a little deeper.

"Maybe two," she barely whispered, looking down at her feet.

"Try twelve," I stated matter of factly.

"What?" She looked up at me in shock.

"You've been late or absent signing onto your first online class twelve times already, Francesca."

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