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Claire's pov

"Claire," my aunt said my name in that warning tone that all grown-ups use when kids are seconds away from being in trouble.

"You can't punish me when I tell you though, Aunt Lexie, because Uncle EJ already did and Grandfather already yelled at me too. Ok?"

Sighing, my aunt relented, "Ok, I promise I won't punish you but I can't guarantee I won't be mad."

"I hid in the SUV when Uncle EJ was going to meet with some guy," I confessed quietly, as I nervously bit my lower lip. Even though she promised, she could probably find a loophole and punish me anyway.

"CLAIRE FRANCESCA!" she shouted.

"Aunt Lexie, you promised," I reminded her. See, I knew she'd be mad.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry. Go ahead and finish the story."

"Well, it turned out to be nothing anyway because we just went to a gas station so I don't know why everyone made a big deal out of it. I did scare the crap out of Uncle EJ and the driver though when I popped up out of my seat while we were driving away. That was fun until Uncle EJ screamed at me."

"Claire, I can't believe you did that! Don't you realize how dangerous that was?" my aunt scolded me.

"Aunt Lexie, I already got yelled at plenty for that. Ok?"

"Alright, alright, I get it. I won't lecture you. What's done is done. Let bygones be bygones."

"What's a bygone?"

"Nevermind. Now why don't you tell me more about why you want to join the family business."

"Because I'm part of the family for one thing and because Uncle EJ, Dad, and Grandfather are all rich and everyone always does what they say, like they're afraid not to. That seems so cool. I want to be rich and boss people around all the time too when I get older."

"Oh boy," my aunt said, more to herself than me. She stood up and started pacing the floor. She looked like she was thinking really hard but she was worried at the same time. Turning to me, she stopped pacing and said in an extremely serious tone, "Claire, I'm going to tell you something and I want you to listen very carefully. Ok?"

"Uh, okay, I guess."

"Claire, you don't need to join the family business to be rich, powerful, or well respected. Besides, there are much more important things in life."

"Like what?" I asked, genuinely curious. I wasn't trying to be a smart-ass.

"Like love, happiness, pride in a job well done, generosity, humility, and faith."

"I can't have any of those things if I join the family business?"

"That's not what I'm saying, Claire. I'm just saying you shouldn't limit yourself to one path in how you're going to spend the rest of your life. Ok? I want you to keep your mind open to several possibilities and avenues on the road to success. The family business may seem glamorous and exciting, but keep in mind it's also the reason your father can't be here with you right now."

My aunt seemed really worried about me so I nodded and said, "Ok, Aunt Lexie, I guess I didn't think of it like that. I really wish Dad could be here with us, so I promise I'll keep my options open."

"That's all I'm asking for, sweetie. Thank you," she said smiling, as she patted my hand. "Oh my gosh, look at the time. We better start getting cleaned up for dinner. Your grandfather will have our heads if we're late."

I giggled at the ridiculousness, picturing Grandfather being so angry, he'd threaten to lop off our heads. When Aunt Lexie left to get ready for dinner, I did the same. I showered and changed and even arrived early, for once.

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