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EJ's pov

"ENOUGH!" our father yelled, slamming his hands down on the table. "Alexandra, stop undermining your brother's authority in matters concerning Francesca. Anthony designated him as her guardian and you need to respect your older brother's decision. Capiscimi (Understand me)?"

"Si signore (Yes sir)," the stuck up witch finally acknowledged the error of her ways. I didn't even try to hide the smug, self-righteous look of vindication on my face.

Focusing on me now, my father turned the tables, in more ways than one, as he laid into me.

"And you, Elliot James, are through degrading your niece with immature insults and name-calling. If you want to act like a child, you'll be punished like one. Capiscimi (Understand me)?"

"Si signore (Yes sir)," I replied, eating a slice of humble pie for my just desserts.

"Quando Francesca torna a fare colazione, mi aspetto che voi due vi comportiate al meglio (When Francesca returns for breakfast, I expect you two to be on your best behavior)," Father admonished his naughty children, as we lowered our heads in shame until he wasn't looking, then I gave Lexie the finger and she mouthed fuck off to me.

Claire's pov

After getting dressed, I returned to the dining room to have breakfast. As soon as I walked in, I couldn't help but notice the overwhelming cloud of tension that hung thickly in the air. Grandfather must have chewed my aunt and uncle out while I was upstairs.

After eating in silence for several minutes, my aunt finally spoke.

"Father, Brother, I would like to request your permission to take Claire shopping for clothes this afternoon with the certificate I gifted her on her birthday."

We all stopped eating and awaited the reaction my aunt's proposal would elicit.

My uncle wisely deferred to my grandfather as head of the family to make the decision. My aunt only acknowledged Uncle EJ in her request as a sign of respect, knowing my grandfather's answer was the only one that mattered.

"Of course my two beautiful girls may spend the afternoon indulging their passion for shopping, with my blessing," Grandfather replied.

I couldn't hide the excitement on my face as I practically leapt out of my seat upon hearing the great news. Not only do I get to leave the mansion, but I get to spend the afternoon alone with my aunt trying on loads of expensive outfits as we burn through the money she promised me.

"On one condition," my grandfather ordered, quickly making my smile drop, in fear of hearing his stipulations for our outing.

"Yes, Father?" my aunt questioned politely.

"You will have my private security detail accompanying you at all times, without complaint." I got a warning look from my grandfather as he said it.

My uncle snorted, "Without complaint? Good bloody luck with that. You've got a better chance of being struck by lightning, or winning the lottery." He laughed at our expense as he entertained himself with his own stupid jokes.

My grandfather frowned at my annoying uncle but chose to ignore him as he turned to us and asked, "Capiscimi (Understand me)?"

"Si signore (Yes sir)," my aunt and I replied in unison, knowing the invasion of our privacy being trailed by security was a small price to pay for a few hours of freedom from the controlling Dimerra men in our family.

Early that afternoon

While on the way to our shopping excursion, I took the chance to ask my aunt about something that had been bothering me since breakfast.

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