Chapter 4- it is all a dream

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Hayley's POV
I think i heard it wrong. Christian Alfonzo wants to marry me?! Hayley smith?! That is insane- I thought to myself.

My mind couldn't think straight and for a moment i thought what if i accept the deal? Maybe then i won't have to fear him and he definitely won't make my life a living nightmare but what if I don't? He'd kill me for sure and i won't be able to become a writer. But I don't even know him?

Several thoughts were wandering my mind but his voice drifted me back to reality.

"So what do you say?" WHAT DO I SAY? I SAY YOURE MAD! I thought to myself but didn't have the guts to speak. When he looked at me with a questionable look on his face, I lost it and blurted out "no"

I cleared my throat and stood tall; i wasn't as tall as Christian but just enough to listen to his heartbeat and his heart was beating loudly "strange" i whispered. "What?" he asked confused. "Huh?" I spoke making him to stand straight and repeating his question.

"So what do you say?" he said again. 'It's now or never' I thought to myself and blurted out. "I reject your deal because I barely know you and even apart from that don't think you have a choice here because i- I saw your sin and I remember it in detail." I spoke in a confident tone but soon regretted it when I saw his face turning in a dark expression. His eyes darkening.

'He is just like those evil characters in a novel' I thought to myself but quickly diverted my mind. I glanced up at his face and I started shivering and cursing myself in my brain.

'Stupid Hayley-you really thought he was going to be threatened by you he'll kill you right away you idiot. Then without a choice you'd have to take his secret to your grave'.

It's not like I have a choice I thought while trying to control my heart beat which was much higher now.

He spoke again "Listen to me lady you're in no position to threaten me" his cold voice said to me, his tone making me flinch.

He shifted a little his grey eyes directly staring in my blue ones sending chills down my spine. "I am asking you for the last time, you either be my wife or sign your death wish." He yelled as i stared at him with wide eyes finding the lies in his eyes but found none.

I decided that since I don't have a choice, I will accept his deal because I don't want to die this soon but in return I do need something for it to be a fair deal. "I-I accept but I n-need you to promise me something" I stuttered a little but he tilted his head motioning me to continue.

"You have to promise me freedom and give me some kind of insurance that after the contract ends, you won't kill me." I spoke in a confident tone this time.

Christian smirked making me re think about my words but I didn't find anything wrong in it.

I got confused but didn't show it when suddenly he grabbed my wrist, pulled me closer. Our lips inches apart as he said "deal."

Before I could respond he let go of my wrist and was walking towards his car.

I stood there confused because I just made a life changing decision but I wasn't disappointed- don't ask me why I honestly don't know myself.

Anyways he turned around and spoke "you coming?" In a calm voice.

I stared at him because I didn't know where.

He sighed as if reading my mind "to the jewelers Hayley" and that's when everything snapped. 'Oh yes I'm Christians fiancée (not so real one) but I still need a ring.

I walked in the direction of his car and sat inside of it. Without waiting for a response he started the engine and the entire drive was in silence.


"This is beautiful" I said to the owner who was showing me their best designs especially for Christian. Christian didn't like being here- his face showed clearly but I did and I didn't care.

I was trying ring after rings completely ignoring his presence. "Just pick one, what's taking so long? "He spoke rather irritated.

I smiled in my brain and sighed. "Fine- then chose yourself. For both of us" I spoke in a calm voice.

He looked at me as if I asked for a kidney but quickly picked two options for both of us and headed for the payment.

I couldn't see which one he picked but I decided to act patient even if my heart was beating wildly inside my chest.

He took the box and gave one to me making both me and the owner to stare back at him. 'Look at him, he doesn't even know how to act like a fiancée how he is even going to act like a husband' I thought getting a little irritated with his attitude.

He sighed understanding the problem and grabbed my hand again.

He gently took the ring out from the box and put it on my finger. "It's beautiful" I said making him smile. So he can smile' I thought.

The ring I was wearing was really pretty with a stone cut pink diamond in the middle shining brightly. The diamond wasn't huge for which I'm thankful.

We headed towards the car when both of our phones started ringing. Both of us glanced at each other a little confused and I walked a little away seeing the caller id and answered the call

"Hello" I spoke. "Why didn't you tell me?" my mom spoke rather yelled. "About what?" I replied clearly confused. "Hayley don't play dumb, when did you even get engaged to Christian Alfonzo?" she said and my eyes widened in horror. "wtf how did you know?" I spoke in clear confusion. "It's not just me who knows Hayley everyone does it's all over the internet."

My mom spoke making my knees to go weak as several questions crossed my mind.

i was about to lose my balance and fall when suddenly Christian appeared out of nowhere and put a hand around my waist making me steady. I finally looked up at him seeing the same confused expression on his face.

"Someone took our photos in the jewelers store and posted them on social media, I guess it's very official now Hayley"

he spoke in a normal voice confirming my fears and making me shiver in fear.

I owe an explanation to everyone now. Wow what a great start to this not so real yet official marriage.

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