Chapter 21-Pleasing a Storm

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Hayley's POV
I was downstairs when I noticed something unusual and I walked towards the window removing a little part of the curtain

I saw a black car parked exactly in front of Christian's house but no one came out of it

I felt a sense of déjà vu and instantly recalled a memory when I had the same unusual feeling of Christian following me.

I don't know who he is but it could be the danger Christian was warning me about

I felt my phone ringing and without taking my eyes off the car I picked up the phone

"Hayley" Christian's voice was like an angel to me right now

As soon as I was about to speak I saw the car blinking its head lights rapidly and I felt weird
"Christian I think something is wrong, come back fast" I said in a horrified tone as I saw the car door open

I immediately backed off with my phone still in my hand and quickly checked all the doors and windows

I tried turning off all the lights and went upstairs to our room

My heart by this point was pounding inside my chest and I was having an unpleasant feeling, this was probably the first time I wanted Christian here with me so that he could tell me that I'm safe and he could take care of whatever it was

I stayed in the room but I was still glancing through the room window being very cautious as not to get caught

I saw the black car's door still open but the person was either out of the car or wasn't planning to come out

I couldn't get a good view but I saw another car coming over in full speed and in a matter of time the black car from before had started its engine and drove off like air

I felt both relieved and worried who was in this car now?

The doors opened immediately and came out 3 men with guns in their hands

I instantly recognized one of them

It was the guy I met at the night of the incident, the first time Christian and I saw each other.

I felt myself getting back to normal but I had a nervous breakdown and instantly dropped to the floor tears flowing down my face

Is it so dangerous to live here with Christian? It is the first day and if it wasn't dangerous Christian wouldn't have sent his man and all those warning

Something is definitely happening that I don't know about. Am I in danger? That thought made me cry even more and I covered my face with my hands

"HAYLEY" Christian burst through the doors and I felt my whole body relaxed. He instantly got down on his knees and pulled me to his chest

I cried as he kept consoling me. He held me like that for around 5 minutes and when both of our breath was okay I pulled apart

"Are u okay?" he asked super concerned, his face was horrified and his body I could feel was super tensed

I nodded my head as I looked at him and said "who was that?"

His face expressions changed from concerned to angry and I felt shivers ran through my entire body

He spoke "it was someone close, I will tell you everything but for now I have to leave, you have to stay inside here no matter what and the boys down there will be guarding the house. If you feel anything strange call me instantly and when I get back, I will tell you everything"


"I promise" he kissed my forehead and stood up

He walked out of the room decisively and I stood up and walked towards the bathroom

Christian's POV
I was driving on the opposite way but luckily there weren't many cars as they were on the other side

I was driving really fast not caring about anything when I almost reached

I saw only one car there and it was my men
I got off and met George who was giving instructions

"WHERE'S MY FUCKING WIFE?" I yelled and George said she is in the room

I dashed inside the house and found her in our room crying

My heart broke and I instantly went to her side to pull her close to me, I held her as long as I could and let her cry.

After she calmed down I asked her to wait for me and that I'll be back for an explanation. I didn't know what I would tell her and if she could take it all

I went to George and asked him to send more men to guard my house and he told me he had asked already, he also asked a group of them to chase the car which was apparently showing us Kai's location and I nodded.

"Good work" I said as I patted his back, even in an emergency situation like this he can keep his mind focus is the only reason he is my most loyal man

I asked him to come to the quarters with me so I could get every evidence possible about both of them and show it to Hayley

We spent the whole day almost making important calls, collecting the evidence and planning what to do next

"Sir there is something peculiar about this information right here "George came in my office with a file

"What George?" I motioned him to sit opposite me so he could explain and he kept two open files in front of me

One was Jonathan and one was kai
I gave him a questioning look and he spoke

"I was reading the past history and according to when this mafia was made it was the year 2008"


"So I checked with Kai's history and according to one of the gangs kai was first seen as a member of Jonathan in 2009"

"What?!" I was really stunned at this. Kai joined this mafia at a young age?

"And there's something more"

I nodded

"Mathew is lying he was once seen with Jonathan at their headquarters which means he definitely knows about kai"

And he definitely knows that Hayley is john's daughter and he on purpose built a close relationship with her

I got angry the second this thought crossed my mind

I picked up all the files and made my way to the car and drove home

I reached home to find Hayley fast asleep on the sofa and the TV was still on

She looked beautiful and I stood there in awe
I turned the lights on which made her to open her eyes

"Oh-hi" she said as she sat up straight, I made my way towards the sofa and sat beside her pulling her close

She wrapped her hands around me and I felt really proud and comfortable, she feels safe around me.

"What is that?" she pointed at the files I kept at the table and I looked at her questioning big blue eyes

"Evidence" I said with a straight face

"Of what?" she sat as she pulled away a little but not completely

"Hayley I need to tell you everything, I don't want any secrets between us"

"You sound concerned is everything okay?" she asked

I sat up straight and opened my mouth to speak

Here goes nothing.

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