Chapter 22- pain suffering and belief.

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Hayley's POV

2 hours later

This is a really unfamiliar place and I'm still in denial about everything I was told.

All of it seems unreal like a story and I find it so hard to accept.

I'm walking the long hallways in confusion, the hallways seem endless but I don't care as long as I'm away from everyone.

Christian's POV

2 hours earlier

I tell Hayley everything as it was leaving no detail and I'm now sitting as I watch her process the new information she just learnt

"No" she whispers. I can see her fighting back tears but I don't make a move because I don't know what to do that'll make her calm.

I sit there silently when suddenly she stands up and runs towards the stairs I follow her running behind her as she makes her way to the room and to the closet

Before I could enter the closet she closed the door on my face and locked it

"HAYLEY" I shout as I knock the door, I don't know what she is thinking but it shouldn't be stupid

She doesn't respond and I get impatient

"Why did you do it?" she shouts from behind the door and I stand there confused as ever, what did I do?

"why did you lie to me, you knew it since the first time I met your family and you lied, lied like it wasn't serious, lie as if I wouldn't care."

Her voice cracked at the last phrase and I felt a knot in my stomach

"Hayley i-"I bit my lips because I didn't know what to say, I don't even know why I didn't tell her

"I know why" she said in a low voice which I suspected was from just behind the door

"You didn't tell me because you were afraid I would leave and you wouldn't do anything"

I stayed silent because deep down I knew she was right. I never wanted to lose her.

"But it's too late now"

I arched my eye brows and straightened my shoulders

"What do you mean?" I asked curiously

When she didn't reply i started getting anxious
A few minutes passed and the door opened
Hayley came out with a bag in her hand and she looked at me, her eyes were puffy red and tears were still coming out but she spoke anyway

"I need some time to think" with that she walked past me and I stood there

No- what time? It isn't even my fault

I turned around and blocked her way, she looked at me with anger but I wasn't going to back down I couldn't let her leave

"Let me go Christian" she said with her eyes on the floor


"You have done enough already, you don't get to say anything now. MOVE" she moved past me again and walked fast

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