Chapter 34-All for her, Only for her

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Kai's POV
After I was driving Hayley to her house my entire self was fighting the urge to not tell her what I feel about her.

I know it is sudden but every passing day I think my feelings are growing more intense and my heart and brain are in a conflict on what to do.

While my brain says I should resist it at least until we find the solution to this problem, my heart says otherwise.

I finally pulled into Christian's driveway and Hayley got out

I got out seeing her off and just when I was heading back something she said made that whole feeling come rushing down

"Thank you for everything kai, you're a savior"
Christian's POV
The moment they left till the moment I finally saw Hayley in my room; I was having a lot of doubts.

I trust her but it's just how I cannot afford to lose her in any way and these past days have me questioning myself if I even deserve her?

She was out of my sight for only a while and I was acting reckless and impatient. She means so much to me and I don't think I can actually bear losing her

"Are you okay?" her soft voice pulled me out of my thoughts and I looked at her curious face and big blue questioning eyes.

"Yes I am" I took her hand and pulled her on my lap so that I could get a closer look at her face

She seemed nervous at first but it turned into blush and when she noticed me looking at her, her cheeks were even redder and she was trying to look anywhere but at me

I let out a laugh and she buried her face inside my chest out of embarrassment

I caressed her hair hoping this moment to last forever and I think it did

Hayley's POV
I woke up the next morning and as I recalled last night's event, an instant smiled appeared on my face and this time I didn't intend to hide it.

I got up then headed towards the bathroom for a shower and later went to the kitchen

Christian was still sleeping so I decided to make breakfast for both of us and started to work

I didn't notice when a pair of hands slipped around my waist causing me to stand still and he kept his chin on my shoulder making my heart flutter like a baby

"Good morning baby"he said in a sleepy voice and I managed to turn around

His hair was still messy but he looked really cute even when his eyes were clearly demanding more sleep.

A devilish idea crept through my brain and without wasting a moment I kissed his lips lightly causing him to wake up entirely

He looked surprised for a second but then got closer, before he could do anything I kept a spoon in front of him and giggled

He made an irritated face but headed to the counter as I served him breakfast. We ate in comfortable silence and I think I smiled throughout the meal


Christian was leaving for his work and constantly told me to not open the door for anyone and for the 100th time I told him I won't but that didn't please him

He finally pulled me closer and hugged me. I could feel the tension on his shoulders so I just told him to not worry and to just go

I watched as his car drove out of the driveway

Christian's POV
If I say that I had the best morning of my entire life I would mean every word of it. I can't believe how happy my heart is after so many years and I finally feel so excited to get back home.

As I got to the office and got focused on work, I felt the day going very smoothly. We just signed a really beneficial deal and everything seemed great.

The day passed quickly and it was finally time to leave.

I got in my car and started driving. I was halfway through the office when I noticed something unusual.

I checked my phone without taking my eyes off that car behind me and I was right when I felt strange.

This car was the same car Lucas told us about but with a different number plate or a fake one. Before I could reach for my gun the mirrors of the car pulled down aiming a gun at my car.

My hands around the steering wheel tightened as I grabbed my gun from one hand, reduced my speed and aimed directly for that car's tire

Luckily the bullet hit it directly on the tire and the driver lost control for a second.

It immediately turned around and in an instant it was out of my sight.

I texted George the number plate and the route so he could keep an eye on whoever it was then called Hayley

Unknown's POV
"And he shot us before we could aim"

"FUC*ING AS*HOLES" I yelled into the phone

I gave them one freaking task, which was to scare him and they did the exact opposite.

"WHAT IF HE HAD CAUGHT YOU" I was starting to get more nervous about everything, every one of my men was losing their confidence after the rumor that was circulating.

Apparently Christian knows Jonathan somehow and has most likely involved him with Hayley's incident

Jonathan is the most dangerous mafia leader and the fact that no one has seen him yet they fear him is a living proof of what that guy is

"Just try not to get caught and head here directly" I ended the call without waiting for a response and sighed

Christian baby, you are making it even harder for her now.

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