Chapter 29- Devil in disguise

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Unknowns POV
"Tie her to this chair and don't remove the mask away from her face unless I tell you so"

"Yes boss"

I proceeded towards her and stopped until I was almost in front of her

This miserable sight of her with blood pouring out from her mouth, her being tied and hopeless made me joyful, my heart happy and most of all 'I finally won'

I told you Hayley, nothing gets past me. I don't leave people who have the slightest bit of intentions of betraying/hurting me anyhow and you my love deserve a lot more than I am going to do to you, for now

Kai's POV
This cannot be real.

How is this even possible?

I felt shocked after my call with Christian. He was currently trying to track her somehow and so was i

I asked my men to search the area for possible cameras which could lead to any possible clue.

It was the morning after when the continuous doorbells woke me up.

Sighing I went to open the door to find Christian standing with a paper in his hand.

Christian's POV
After I talked to kai, I can't believe I'm saying this but I felt better that at least I had someone with me

I called Lucas as he had contacts too, told him about everything and he immediately agreed to help.

I called both Caleb and Leo for help and surprisingly they agreed to.

I specifically asked them not to tell anyone especially my mom as I didn't want it to get out until we had safely rescued her.

Everyone did really care about her

If Jonathan is behind this all, I swear I'm going to make these moments his last on earth and that too, miserable.

I spent the entire night making calls, checking video recordings and at almost sunrise just when I was about to give up, something caught my attention.

A recording I was watching was displaying some car stopping in front of my house after I left.

The view was cutting the part where they go inside the house but 5 minutes later I could see them carrying someone

"Hayley" I slammed the laptop shut and dialed George

"George the video you sent me, the car plate is visible in it. Get me the address immediately"

George kept sending me updates about how he was getting close to them but ending up with nothing.

C'mon there is got to be something
After what seemed like hours I finally got an address texted and I wrote it on the paper to show it to kai.

Kai's POV
Christian stood there with a paper and I immediately understood

"Let's go"

"No wait" he pulled me back

"We have to wait until it starts to get a little dark, we can't go there in light. We would all be in danger

I hate to admit it but he did have a point.

Hayley made me so reckless that I wasn't thinking anymore but I know keeping her safe was everything I cared about now.

I invited Christian in and soon Lucas, Caleb and Leo came too. After a super awkward meet and greet we sat down to discuss the plan until it was almost sunset that we decided to carry out the plan

Hayley, just hold on a little more I'm coming

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