Chapter 14- where the heart lies

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Hayley's POV
After our conversation in the garden I couldn't get my thoughts straight so I just called a cab and left for my place without telling anyone.

This is so unlike me and I know that everyone would be looking for me but I don't care right now.

My life is taking this huge turn right now-Christian's attitude is so changed since the first time we met not to mention the book and it results.

A lot was happening and it felt like a nightmare which I was hoping to wake up from.

Once I reached home I went to my room and instantly went for a shower to clear my thoughts.

Feeling somewhat better I turned off the water and came back into my room changing into something comfy.

I was now lying on my bed completely still figuring out what I could do about the situation I put myself in.

I felt my phone buzzing- I ignored it

Once again it buzzed and I ignored it

Now it started ringing

Ugh! Why can't I be left alone for a moment?

I picked it up without seeing the caller id

"Hayley?" Mathew's firm voice sounded somewhat soft and joyful

"Hey Mathew" I spoke in the most calm and soft voice I could manage

"Hey Hayley I was actually trying to get in touch with you for a while but I guess you were busy?"

"Oh yea I was out with my mom" I lied

"Oh okay I just wanted to tell you something" by now his voice sounded really excited I couldn't help but sit straight up on the bed

"Go ahead?"

"Well you remember the book?"

"Uhm? Did we get the results?" by now my breathing was much frequent and I felt my whole body heating up from the nervousness

"Yes I did and the results have been pretty amazing!!!"

I sighed in relief

"Oh" I felt my shoulders ease as I gained more energy internally

"Well that's amazing bu-"

"The sales have been going up a lot faster than any of your previous books and it already completed our target."

"WOW!" I literally screamed not able to control my excitement I mean do you blame me?

This book took me the longest time and it was definitely my first time writing something fiction and it made me think out of my comfort zone so I didn't expect it to be such a damn hit.

"Hayley? Are you listening?


"I said we're throwing a celebration party this weekend with all of the acquaintances"

"That's great boss, thankyouuu"

"I should thank you for being such an amazing author/writer, keep up the good work!"

"I will thankyouu!"

"And also bring Christian; it'll be good since some media people will be there"

Upon hearing Christian's name my heart immediately sank and I couldn't help but let all the past events drift me away.

"Sure" with that I ended the call and was again left with my thoughts.

"I hate him, I freaking hate him, how could that guy do this with me?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs to get it all out but I only felt worse.

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