Rude Fans (S.S)

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Plot: Comic Con and fans are being rude to you. Everyone defends you after you run off stage.

"Y/N, your character should just die. No one likes you." A fan says addressing that it was for you.

"Yeah, no one likes you. Your fat, ugly, a terrible actor and just go die."

"Oh um what?"

"You heard me."

"Hey, that's no way to talk about Y/N like that. She's an amazing actor, she's beautiful and your probably just jealous." Sebastian says to cover you.

"Why would we be jealous?"

"She's a bitch, she's a slut, a whore and she's probably using you for fame." Your dating Sebastian, by the way.

"She's not and I know it. Y/N is not a slut, she's not a whore!" Tears drip from your eyes and you run off stage. Sebastian runs after you. You run to your dressing room. Sebastian knocks on your door. "Baby, please open up."

"Go away!"

"Y/N, baby, please open up." You grab a razor and cut your wrist. "Y/N, open the god damn door!" He twist the door knob until it comes off. He finds you inside with your head in your knees, crying and your bloody wrist in the air.

"I-I-I'm sorry."

"No, no, no, it's ok." He pulls you into a hug and kisses your head. "Can I get a medic back here?!" Sebastian yells. A medic comes to your aid. He bandages up your wrist. He cuddles you till you fall asleep.

A/N: A cute yet not cute one. This one is a short one for while I'm in class.

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