Answer Your Phone (C.E)

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Plot: You call Chris but he doesn't answer, so you leave him a voicemail.

You call Chris 'cause your bored. Of course, he doesn't answer so you leave him a voicemail.

"Chris, I'm aware that 21st century technology remains a mystery to you, but when you see my name pop up on your phone, you answer it."

As Chris is listening to your voicemail, he's on set. He falls to the floor laughing. Everyone looks at him.

"Chris, man you good?" Anthony ask.

"I missed a call from Y/N and she left a voicemail. Oh, god, you gotta listen." Chris replays your voicemail. Anthony also starts laughing.

"Well, you are kinda clueless on technology. Considering the circumstances of your character."

"Really Anthony? Really." Anthony just shrugs. "I better call her back before she sends me another voicemail on technology." Chris calls you back.

A/N: Sooo, I finally got a part out. I got this idea from tiktok and from Klaus Mikealson in ethier TVD or The Originals. Whatever it's from, it's dropped dead funny.

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