First Period (S.R)

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Plot: You and your husband (Steve Rogers) daughter gets her period for the first time.

Your reading in bed with your husband, Steve when you here your daughter screams for you. You jump out of bed and race to her bedroom.

"What's wrong, baby?!"

"Why is there blood on my bed?!"

"Honey, you had your first period."

"My what?"

"It's something all women go through at your age. It comes once a month and it's painful."

"No, no, no."

"Let me go get your father." You head back to your room. Steve looks up from his book.

"What's wrong with, Tay."

"She got her first period."

"Oh, the poor girl."

"Yeah, now your coming with me." You pull Steve to Taylor's room.

"Daddy." She whines with grabby arms.

"It's ok, baby." He picks Taylor up and cuddles her.

"Let's run a bath for you, ok, honey." She nods. Steve carries Taylor to her bathroom. You make bath for her. Steve helps her get undressed. You take off her sheets and put new ones on. You grab fluffy pajamas and grab all her essentials. Steve carries Taylor back out and you get her changed. "Let's bring you to our room, ok?"

"Ok." Steve carries Taylor to your room. You sit on the bed and Steve places Taylor on the bed. Steve gets in and pulls Taylor onto his chest. She falls asleep instantly.

"She's a daddies girl."

"She definitely is." Steve smiles at you. You smile back and grab your book to continue while Taylor sleeps.

A/N: I wrote this yesterday and I'm gonna post it today. Well, when you read this it'll be posted. Currently it's almost 9:30am and I'm still in bed making parts for my new story on tiktok. My tiktok is @marvelmen_arehot. It's gonna be a Chris Evans story. Hopefully you'll read it. I don't care if you don't but if you could look at it, I would appreciate it.

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